AMLi, Partners Intensify Campaign Against The Hurried Child Syndrome

Mary Nnah

A non-profit and non-government organisation, A Mother’s Love Initiative (AMLi) is set with its partners to hold a stakeholder town hall meeting on the hurried child project.

AMLi is saddled with the responsibility to provide preventive and remedial interventions to individuals and families raising a child to ensure that the child is stable and balanced to make the child useful for self, for family and the community resulting in the rebirth of hope for a happy future.

The town hall meeting with the theme, “The Hurried Child Syndrome” Implications for Economic & Social Development will take place in Abuja on Thursday, November 17, 2022.

Speaking about the forthcoming town hall meeting, the Founder/President, AMLi, Barrister Hanatu A. Enwemadu, Esq said, “The main objective of the Hurried Child Project is to advocate for the abolishment of hurrying practices in the formative years among African communities, starting the campaign from our home country Nigeria.”

“This syndrome has saturated our homes, workplace and communities in a seemingly unconscious manner consequently leading to several topical issues facing the Nigerian child, youth and adult in the present day”, Enwemadu noted further.

Enwemadu said that in the sequel to the successful outcome of the HCP launch in Lagos in November 2021, we hope to increase the awareness and level of engagement at the national level to ensure that every home is aware and sensitised on the need to stop practicing of hurrying children through life.

According to her, the meeting in particular is to highlight the influences and consequences of the hurried child syndrome and associated practices on the economic and social development of Nigeria and Africa.

She said further that the 1-day stakeholder town hall meeting is designed to accommodate key players and enablers from the government at the national level, Civil Society organizations, Non-governmental Organizations of national and international repute, elder statesmen, technocrats, the Academia, Agencies and Ministries, relevant associations, religious leaders and community leaders in Nigeria. “As it is our common practice, we intend to bring together all national actors and stakeholders from the international community to lend their voice and support in promoting the campaign against hurrying practices that inhibit the healthy development of Nigerian Children”.

Enwemadu said that the meeting will vividly introduce the hurried child project, discuss and critique the scope of the intervention plan, further align all stakeholders to the goals of the project, and also initiate partnerships and build sustainable relationships.

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