New Chairman, Bimbo Ashiru Making Odu’a Group Great Again


Nigeria will always have her trailblazers. These are individuals who will not stop reaching for the stars, no matter how unfavourable conditions are. For Bimbo Ashiru, this description is very perfect. However, he is different from other trailblazers in that all he does is for the people. No wonder the people of Odu’a Group happily urged him to take the position of Board Chairman. So far, Ashiru has not failed them.

There will always be people serving others with sincerity and grace. Ashiru can be placed in this category. Since climbing the ranks to become the Board Chairman of Odu’a Group, Ashiru has gone out of his way to manage and protect the interest of the six South-west states. It is no wonder the people in this region took time out to celebrate his appointment to the Board of the Odu’a Group.

Really, Ashiru is one of those people with a mark of providence on them, or so it would seem from their achievements. The man has too many glowing marks of greatness on him than this article can itemise. Nevertheless, he did his bit at Stanbic IBTC Bank before moving to serve Ogun State as the Honorable Commissioner for Commerce and Industry.

Of course, Ashiru has also fallen under the observatory radar of powers like the World Bank Group and others who count him as a genius of administration and management. Everything the man touches, it would seem, becomes golden in the shortest possible time. And this is the case for the Odu’a Group as well.

Thus, more and more individuals are looking to give their arms to study the motivation and methods of Ashiru. Perhaps, if someone like him gets a bigger stage to work from, things would turn upside down and a historic revolution would come about. But all this is speculation. What is sure is that Ashiru is doing an incredible job as the Board Chairman of Odu’a Group.

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