Subair’s Great Vision for LIRS

One must admit that there is nothing quite like working under somebody with a vision and an honest mind. Fortunately, even though there are not a lot of Nigerian agencies and ministries that are familiar with this privilege, the people at Lagos Internal Revenue Services (LIRS) are doing their best not to flaunt it too much. This is because, despite all that their boss, Hamzat Ayodele Subair knows and does, he remains a humble person. Nevertheless, the LIRS staff are not deceived by his humility: Subair is a gift to them.

LIRS is currently undergoing one of its best times since it was created. According to voices from inside and outside the agency, Subair has continued to treat the LIRS workforce with as much care as he would give one that is dearly beloved by him. It is no wonder that the agency is turning up incredibly eye-opening reports on productivity among its staff, some reaching new heights since the creation of LIRS and Lagos state.

Currently, Subair has introduced several staff-welfare schemes that provide workers with a robust collage of benefits. It is reported that even workers whose duties are secretarial can access handsome allowances, some of which are useful for their call, data, and wardrobe change demands.

Furthermore, promotions have reportedly become so common in the agency that there have been more than 3,000 since 2017. As a consequence, some individuals who are employed elsewhere are considering transferring under Subair’s administration so that they can also get treated well.

Because Subair is treating his workforce with such care, many of them are committed to their duties and are not taking his niceties for granted.

At the end of the day, Subair is doing things that beggar the average mind.

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