Abiodun Inaugurates Oba Erinwole Road, Sagamu

  Commended by CCDI on equitable projects distribution

James Sowole in Abeokuta

Ogun State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun, yesterday inaugurated the  four kilometer  Oba Erinwole Road, Sagamu in Sagamu Local Government  area of the state. The inauguration of the road came exactly one week after a similar assignment at Journalists Estate, Arepo in Obafemi /Owode Local Government Area.

This is just as the President,  Centre for Convention on Democratic integrity, (CCDI), Mr. Olufemi Aduwo applauded governor  Abiodun for his deliberate policy towards ensuring safety of lives and properties in the state.

Speaking at the event, the   governor noted that the road was long neglected to serve as punishment targeted at a former governor of the state in particular, and indeed the people of Remoland, in general, by those he described as “narrow minded politicians of yesteryears.”

Abiodun said  that his administration over the last three and half years, had constructed  over 80 major roads,  including  those owned by the federal government, which were  reconstructed or rehabilitated across the state, totalling 400km .

He said the reconstruction of the dual carriage, would open all access to Sagamu -Ogijo industrial hub and improve economic prosperity of the people

The governor explained that the road, which served as a link between Sagamu and Ikorodu in Lagos State, would improve  the standard of living of residents and others who live and work in the area.

He said: “ I need to reiterate that Oba Erinwole road is a life wire for the economic wellbeing of our people here. It is a link road to Sagamu Township and a bye pass to Ogijo, and even Ikorodu in Lagos State. Without this road the claim of Sagamu to being a major industrial hub becomes questionable.

 “I am therefore, happy to be here today, to inaugurate  this same Oba Erinwole Road that was meant to be a punishment to a targeted former Gov and Remo people and by narrow-minded politicians of yesteryears.

“This project again is a touchstone to our commitment as a promise-keeping Administration. We will continue to fulfil all our promises in all parts of Ogun State.

“Surely, this reconstructed Oba Erinwole road will open access to Sagamu-Ogijo Industrial zone of the State. Equally important is the fact that it will attract new businesses which in turn, will boost the economic base of small and medium enterprises of Sagamu and its environs.

“While at the macro level, it will increase the Internally Generate Revenue (IGR) of our dear State; this can also be used to finance other infrastructure projects in other parts of the State.”

He said was  proud of  their  achievements on road reconstruction, construction and rehabilitation across all the 20 Local Government Areas of  the state.

“These roads were chosen based on the need of the people, in fulfillment of our campaign promises. We have not done this exclusively at Oke Mosan. We carried along the Community Development Associations, traditional rulers and other stakeholders. Indeed, 97 percent of our road projects were chosen by the people themselves.

“Let me reassure our people that construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of inter and intra-city roads will continue across all the 20 LGs in the state till every road in the State becomes motorable.

“We are determined to raise the bar on road construction in the years ahead. Ogun State Public Works Agency (OGPWA) has been upgraded, to take on the challenge, alongside the mainstream Ministry of Works and Infrastructure and its Rural Development counterpart to reach every hamlet and the remotest of our villages.”

In his remarks, the Akarigbo and Paramount Ruler of Remoland, Oba Babatunde Adewale Ajayi and other stakeholders, commended the state government for reconstructing the road in the interest of the people.

Akarigbo said: “I want to appreciate the Governor for reconstructing this road, which was in a bad state. The road was practically impassable for motorists.  This administration no doubt will be a reference point for good governance in about four, five years to come,” the monarch said.

Meanwhile,  the President of CCDI, Aduwo has applauded the Ogun state Governor,  Prince Dapo Abiodun for his government’s deliberate policy towards ensuring safety of lives and properties in the state.

According to him, despite  isolated cases of kidnappings within the borders of the state, it has been relatively safe in the last three and half years under Governor Abiodun.

He recalled when the state was synonymous to violence and insecurity, a situation where some notable politicians from the state could not visit for fear of being attacked and financial institutions closed businesses while other organisations simply relocated to neighbouring states.

Aduwo, who is also the permanent representative of CCDI to United Nations made the preliminary press statement yesterday  after five days of CCDI development assessment and opinion poll conducted in Ogun East Senatorial District, with a special  focus on the riverine areas of Ijebu East and Ogun Waterside Local council areas which spreads across Makun-Omi, Iwopin, Ajibandele, Agbure, Ibiade, Abigi, Oni, Ogbere, among others.

Underscoring the achievements of the governor, he stated that democracy is synonymous with development, noting that, without peace and security, no reasonable, sustainable development could be achieved.

The statement reads in part: “One of the biggest achievements of Governor Dapo Abiodun is his government’s protection of  security of lives and properties. From available and verifiable information, which the office of DSS and IGP could confirm, the governor remains one of very few without armed thugs in the country,” Aduwo said.

CDDI boss said majority of people they interacted with attested to the governor’s even distribution of development projects which promote peace and security in the state.

“From the  rebuilding of the Abeokuta -Sagamu interchange road to the Epe-Ijebu Ode Expressway, which l and my team drove  along few days ago down to Waterside area of the state to rural areas of the state at lwopin waterside where a decent health care centre is built and the abandoned wharf is being refurbished, it was a great feat on the part of the governor.

“We also  drove along Lukogbe llushin road constructed by the governor. The possibility of the governor being re -elected in 2023 is on positive side. The governor has practically left no one in doubt of his commitment to revamping the state of infrastructure in the Gateway State.

This, perhaps, is evident in the zeal and sense of purpose with which several abandoned capital projects have been pursued and new constructions undertaken by his administration”, Aduwo said.

The CDDI boss, therefore  enjoined Nigerians to show more interest in the 2023 general elections and demand for accountability from those aspiring to public office at all levels.

“Nigerians should resist the billionaires without enterprise and desperate despots acting out of greed, rather than national interest, from hijacking the electoral process in 2023,” he said.

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