United Way Worldwide Strengthens Relationship with Nigeria as Global President visits

The President and CEO of United Way Worldwide, Angela F. Williams was in Nigeria recently on a 2 days visit which was intended to bring awareness to the presence of United Way in Africa (specifically in Nigeria), Attract individuals and corporate donors to support their mission, Recruit more volunteers across all age-groups who can contribute their time, skills, and expertise to United Way Greater Nigeria as well as educate young people, women, and children who can benefit from their services and finally to Provide the CEO with a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing the organization in Nigeria. 

With a vision to build a country where all people attain their full potential in education, sustainable income and healthcare. United Way Greater Nigeria further centers on touching lives through diverse individuals and communities that care and celebrate giving. Speaking about her visit she shared that, “I’m here to celebrate and lift up the great work happening here through our organization, and in doing so, make the case for why more people should invest in it. The United Way Greater Nigeria team does so much good work from its work Promoting Virtual Learning and STEM Education in Nigeria (PVL-STEM) to its work on Skills toEmployment Program (STEP). And after last month’s floods, the need is greater than ever. With farmland destroyed, communities underwater, over 200,000 homes washed away, 1.4 million people displaced, and over 600 lives lost, this country is hurting, and United Way is here to help.”

It’s been 5 years since the organization got established in Nigeria and they have been up to some terrific work these last five years, and the proof is in the pudding. Appraising her team she noted that, “As I begin to get to know this team better, I’ve been particularly proud of the way they’ve made use of the minimal resources they have to impact a significant number of girls, women and children across Nigeria. One success story that stands out — and one that I think holds a lot of promise — is our recently announced partnership with the Embassy of the United States of America, Abuja, American Corner Maiduguri and Intercommunity for African Development Initiative.Together, they launched the “Promoting Inclusive Economic Growth and Development Through Sustainable Programs” initiative which will help transform the future of young people in North East Nigeria, aged 15-24 by helping them fulfil their potential in entrepreneurship and employment. The young people will be trained on Leadership and financial skills, then provided access to economic opportunities by linking them to mentorship, internship and apprenticeship chances as well as starting up businesses or scaling up business for them as necessary.”

More than 80% of United Way Greater Nigeria beneficiaries are women, children and men living in underserved communities across Nigeria. Adding to President’s statements, Executive Director of United Way Greater Nigeria, Deola Durodola, said the organisation through its various projects supports the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community because change begins when people are united, “and building a better tomorrow starts today. To build a country where all people attain their full potential in education, sustainable income and healthcare, touching lives through diverse individuals and communities is inevitable.”

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