Glad Tidings for Air Peace Boss, Allen Onyema

Society Watch

Your morning will break only when you are ready, and it will surely come with good tidings. For Allen Onyema, his morning broke when he founded Air Peace in 2013. That moment would be described as life-transforming.

Undoubtedly, his decision to choose the airline business over his first love, law, can be described as one of the best he has taken in life. Since he ventured into the commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers about a decade ago, he has never trivialised integrity in all his actions.

No wonder, his profile has been on the rise and he has won acclaim, within and outside the country, for his uncommon feats in the industry.

That the outgoing year has been a good one for the businessman is stating the obvious.

While some of his competitors have been gnashing their teeth, Onyema has been smiling to the banks simply for his innovation and unique way of doing business. This is evident in the number of deals he has brokered for his airlines, while also expanding its routes every other time.

Nevertheless, the indisputably influential businessman has refused to relax in his comfort zone;  rather, he is hitting for the sky and ready to conquer his world. Though his great achievements have continued to endear him to industry watchers, he is not resting on his oars to build an intimidating profile that will be difficult for anyone to beat in this part of the world.

Call him a risk-taker and you would be dead right. Of course, you can’t deny the grace of God in his life.  More importantly, he is endowed with the Midas touch; so, he has always made a success of all that he has ventured into.

His story in the aviation industry is well documented.  As he is gradually establishing his mark on the sands of entrepreneurship. It is also a known fact that he has assumed the position of the to-go-guy in the sector. This is simply for his leadership quality and uncommon and never-seen-before innovations that have once again helped launch Nigeria into the world map.

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