Tony Elumelu: The Banker Shattering Glass Ceilings from All Angles

Since stepping onto the African stage to carry out his dreams, Tony Elumelu has experienced one victory dance after another. Elumelu has once again broken into a new rank of business achievement, thanks to the recognition of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), who recently recognised his various contributions across African nations, especially through his Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF); and the promotion of regional integration, peace, and socio-economic development. Elumelu was awarded the ECOWAS Prize of Excellence.

The award which saw Elumelu obtaining two more plaques to add to his shelf was held at the Heads of State Summit in Abuja with many dignitaries present. The event came at just the right time as TEF was preparing to begin new batches of empowerment across the continent.

Of course, those familiar with Elumelu’s methods understand that he is not a laggard but someone who is wholly committed to the satisfaction of his objectives. And with his progressive commitment to Africapitalism, there is very little anyone can do to persuade him that the African economy is not worth saving or investing in. And so, Elumelu continues to invest in the continent’s economy, first empowering the people in chunks and expecting them to deliver on their potential.  

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