EFCC Auctions 190 Vehicles in Abuja, Ibadan, Benin, Others

Kingsley Nwezeh in Abuja

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), yesterday,  conducted a public auction of over 190 vehicles  and electronic devices at its Zonal Offices in Abuja, Benin, Port Harcourt, Kano, Ibadan and Uyo.

The exercise was preceded by public inspection of the displayed photographs of the assets on Monday December 12, 2022, where potential bidders viewed and identified the vehicles of their choice.

The auction proper commenced yesterday with various licensed auctioneers taking charge of the exercise at the designated centres, a statement by the commission said.

At Paragon Demonstration School, Limit Road, Benin City, scores of potential buyers bid competitively for the 20 vehicles slated for auction. The process began at 10.am with the auctioneer putting the first car on sale to the highest bidder.

In Ibadan, where 80 vehicles were auctioned, the exercise took place at the Adamasingba stadium, Ibadan, with a member of the EFCC Asset Disposal Committee and Director, Proceeds of Crime Management, CE Aliyu Yusuf, on hand to coordinate the activities of the three licensed auctioneers, PSC International Investment Limited, Aikson Nwonkwo D.S. and Aliyu A. Kiliya &Co, selected to conduct the auction.

The exercise in Uyo took place at the National Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA), along four lanes in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

It began at about 9.45 am and ended around 12. 35pm with nine cars, two trucks, 11 computers and nine mobile phones changing hands in an open and transparent bidding process conducted by Trevamteck K & G Limited, the auctioneer.

In Kano,  two cars, 16 mobile phones and one laptop were offered to the public by auction, while 35 vehicles, computers and electronic devices were put up for sale in Abuja, where hundreds of bidders participated in the exercise  at the Car Park A of the Wuse Zone 2 office of the Commission.

The ongoing sale of forfeited assets by the EFCC, began on December 6, 2022 at the Lagos Command of the agency.

Commander of the EFCC, CE Osita Nwajah, a member of the Asset Disposal Committee, said the EFCC gave the exercise wide publicity to ensure full participation by citizens.

“We gave this exercise a very wide publicity, because we want total Nigerian participation. There is no hanky-panky, there is no underhand tactics. Everything that is done here is open and transparent, we want to be accountable to the Nigerian people,” he said.

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