Lilian, Marcus Thuram Eye History, may Become First Father, Son to Win Mundial

Lilian, Marcus Thuram Eye History, may Become First Father, Son to Win Mundial

When or if France wins the World Cup tomorrow as it files out against Argentina at the final showdown, history would have been written in gold for a family in France.

In 1998 when France won her first World Cup, one of the major players was Lilian Thuram.

Today, his son, Marcus stands tall and strong in the French squad rooting for gold and glory.

When France actualises its dream, Lilian and his son, Marcus would be the first family in the history of football, especially father and son, to win the World Cup.

Apart from the Thurams, Jean Djorkaeff was a French player at the World Cup in 1966 that was won by England.

In 1998, 32 years after, his son Youri as part of the French squad won the World Cup.

World football enthusiasts and lovers are expectant to write that history and wish the Thurams the best as they are on their way to this lofty history. Best of luck to Marcus as he repeats his dad’s feat.

In 1998, Brazil filed out its war chest against France in Paris at the World Cup final match. It was led by the man of the moment, world’s undisputable best, Ronaldo da Lima.

The bookmakers gave it to Brazil from their history and for having the world best leading her squad.

Ronaldo with all his charm didn’t know what struck him. Brazil didn’t just lose but was totally lost in the game as France hit Brazil 3:0

Sunday may be a repeat of that history.

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