Meet the Youngest 2023 Gubernatorial Candidate in Nigeria

Many slogans have been thrown out in the name of political campaigns for inclusivity. These include Not Too Young to Run and Not Too Old to Run. Even as we all await Not Too Poor to Run and Not Too Honest to Run, it is a fact that Not Too Young to Run has raised the most dust in Nigeria. That is why the gubernatorial ambition of Dr. Mustapha Lamido from Jigawa State is a fairly big deal.

For those who know Lamido, running for the position of Jigawa governor may not be too far-fetched. One, he is an intelligent man with a PhD who knows what is best for his people. Also, he is the son of the former governor of Jigawa State, Sule Lamido. But if these points are not enough material for convincing the people of Jigawa that he is the best candidate to be governor, how about the fact that he is only 39 years old?

Granted, age does not mean much in the grand scheme of things, let alone in a political office where there would be scores and scores of assistants and administrative cabinet members. Even so, it says something that the youngest gubernatorial candidate for the 2023 elections is only 39, the son of a former governor, and someone with a PhD. Where else are the people of Jigawa going to get this rare combination?

Also, Lamido’s vision for Jigawa is not at all inferior to his father’s. According to his campaign pictures, he intends to lay a solid foundation for a united and sustainable Jigawa. In other words, Lamido might have to build something that others cannot see and eventually have some other governor come and reap all the benefits with recognition for having done something big.

Whatever the case, things are looking bright for the people of Jigawa with Lamido of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) there to lead them.

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