60th Birthday: From Saudi, Saraki Appreciates Well-wishers

Former Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki has expressed appreciation to family members, friends, associates, and supporters who played one role or another in giving him a befitting birthday celebration despite his absence from the country.

In a statement personally signed by him from Saudi Arabia where he is on lesser Hajj (Umrah), Saraki expressed gratitude to almighty Allah for preserving him for the past six decades and giving him strength, good health, and the grace to have good people around him.

“More importantly, I give glory to Almighty Allah (SWT) for giving me the grace of having family members, friends, associates, supporters, and well-wishers who celebrated my birthday, even in my absence and beyond what I could have ever organised on my own.

“My gratitude goes to all my people who organised prayers, those who organised empowerment workshops for youths, those who sponsored the donation of gifts to the less privileged, those who paid for newspaper and social media advertisements as well as those who issued press statements to congratulate me.

“Let me specifically mention former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, incumbent and former state governors, serving and past members of the Nigerian Senate and House of Representatives, politicians, members of the business community, family members, friends, aides, and organizations like the Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF) and the Wellbeing Foundation Africa (WBA) for their contributions to the celebration of the birthday. I also thank members of the diplomatic community who have sent congratulatory messages.

“I appreciate you all and pray for Allah’s blessing on every one of us. It is my prayer that God should heal our dear country and make it a safe place to work, live and relax,” he stated.

erous places, accepting rides and gifts from strangers.

“At all times, you should be good ambassadors of the NYSC, as well as your families and institution of graduation. Therefore, you must be wary of acts that can portray the scheme in bad light; especially, drug abuse, trafficking, cybercrime and advanced- fee -fraud

among other such vices.”, she stated.

The acting DG lauded them for impressive report on their successful participation in entrepreneurial training in the camp, under the NYSC Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) Program.

Also,  She advised them to avail themselves for post camp training as such would go a long way in empowering them for self-reliance even after the service year.

 “On our part, we are liaising with financial institutions and other stakeholders with a view to providing start-up loans to enable you actualize your business dreams.”, She


She, however, called on employers of labour and other stakeholders including state and local governments, to mentor the young graduates properly to enable them develop their potentials.

In her address, the state coordinator of the scheme, Mrs. Chinyere Ekwe said she had taken it upon herself to enhance the living condition of Corp members and Camp officials since her assumption of office.

She lauded the support of the acting DG in infrastructure development of the scheme in the state.

“It is also important to note that the state government has been very supportive in our operations, particularly, in the regular and prompt payment of of state allowance, provision of N10, 000 transport to Corp members leaving the camp.”

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