FOBTOB Pickets Nigeria Distillery over Victimisation of Worker

Ugo Aliogo

Members of Food, Beverage and Tobacco Senior Staff Association (FOBTOB),yesterday, picketed the premises of Nigeria Distillery Limited, Sango Ota, Ogun State, over alleged irregular sack of it is unit branch chairman, Comrade Samson Salau.

FOBTOB President, Comrade Jimoh Oyibo told journalists that the decision to picket the company followed the refusal of the management to heed to appeal of the union to rescind its decision and reinstate the embattled worker.

Recalling events leading to Salau’s sack, Oyibo said: “Sometime in September 2022, our branch head here, Comrade Salau was alleged to have made uncomplimentary remarks against the company’s Financial Director. He allegedly called him a thief.

“On the basis of mere allegation and hearsay, which is unverified till this day, the management terminated his appointment.  This is unacceptable to us. Our colleague was not given fair hearing and this cannot fly. We met with the Managing Director (MD)over the issue. He set up a panel that reviewed the matter. We were not satisfied because management was still adamant. We met at NEC and resolved to picket the company.

“We are demanding that Comrade Samson be reinstated without further delay. We deliberated with management today with a view to resolving the issue. Another meeting with management is scheduled to hold on December 29, 2022.”

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