2023: WFM, NILDS Launch Project to Checkmate Parties’ Conduct

Udora Orizu in Abuja

A project to help monitor and evaluate the conduct of the 18 political parties before, during and after the 2023 presidential poll has been launched in Abuja.

The Watch project was launched by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) in partnership with the Nigerian Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS).

The project funded by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), under the inclusive and accountable politics project and would work closely with key stakeholders including INEC’s Electoral Institute and the Election and Party Monitoring (EPM) as well as the 18 parties.

In a statement, the Country Director, WFD-Nigeria, Adebowale Olorunmola said, “On Election Day, a Command Centre will be operated by the Political Party Watch project team made up of seasoned political party and election experts, for the purpose of receiving and analysing real-time fact-based information and statistics from trained observers in the field. A preliminary and final report which will contribute towards strengthening democracy in Nigeria will be released at the end of this project.  WFD and NILDS therefore uses this platform to call on the political parties to be more open and inclusive in their practices and are encouraged to contribute towards the peaceful conduct of the 2023 General Elections in Nigeria.

“The participation of citizens in the ongoing electoral process is fundamental to advancing the democratic process. Therefore, WFD and NILDS calls on all voters to turn out enmasse and make their votes count, while placing national interest above personal interest.WFD’s engagement in Nigeria is aimed at supporting sustainable democratic growth through inclusive citizen participation and strengthened institutions capable of accountable governance. WFD is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) in UK. Established in 1992, WFD provides expertise in developing parliaments, political party structures and civil society organisations – the key institutions that make up a functioning democracy.” 

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