Christmas: With Love, Commitment to Nationhood, Nigeria ‘ll be Great, Says Rep Deputy Chief Whip

Emameh Gabriel in Abuja

Deputy Chief Whip of House Representatives, Hon. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, on Sunday charged Nigerians to continue to explore the gains of the country’s diversities in order to build a nation dreamt of by Nigeria’s founding fathers.

Onyejeocha, a principal officer of the House of National Assembly and member representing Isuikwuato/Umunneochi Federal Constituency of Abia State, also expressed optimism that in spite the challenges the country has been through recently, “the will of Nigerians to succeed depends on knowing that however hard yesterday was for the country and her citizens, the coming days present a fresh start with boundless opportunities.

She made the call in her Christmas day message that shared her thought on the importance of a nation whose diversity is its strength.

She said: “This Christmas may look different for all of us but we should use the time we spend during this period with our loved ones in person or virtually and also with people around us to celebrate the blessings of God for spearing our lives till this day.

 “Let’s cherish, embrace the spirit of giving and look out for one another as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Let it also be a season to reflect on our past as a people and continue to love one another to sustain the gains of the past and secure a better future all.

“The last few years, especially the last few months, have tested our resolve as a people, yet here we are in spite of the challenges. This is the dream of the founding fathers of our great nation who paid the price and laid the foundation for the country.

“Diversity is the natural order of life. And our country is blessed with endless opportunities that we can explore through our diversities. It’s our strength, and should be the bond that keeps us united.

“We do not exist outside of nature; we are very much of a piece. We must continue to play by the rules of nature and recognise that our diversity is our strength, and that when we appreciate one another as individuals or groups, we are empowered because we are aligned with nature.”

She explained that what we, the people do now will determine the kind of future and legacy to leave behind for our children and the generation after them.

The federal legislator said that although we may come from different backgrounds with different educational standards, have different economic statuses, but one thing we can’t differentiate is our identity as Nigerians.

Consequently, she called on Nigerians from every ethnic and religious background to shun anger, hate, resentment, and blame game as often express.

She continued: “The Nigeria I know is full of people proud of their identity, full of courage, and optimism, and ingenuity. They are hardworking in every part of the world. The Nigeria I know is decent and generous.”

She said there must be the need for both the leaders and their supporters to redouble their commitment to “difficult work that can bring about change.

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