Hannatu Musawa: A Vote for Tinubu

Her name rings a bell when writers of conscience are mentioned in the country and beyond, but many are indeed surprised when they see her in the political field sticking her neck out to campaign for the Presidential candidate of the APC, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu. But she is not one that sits on the fence when issues of leadership of the country calls for action.

 Her acceptance of the position of the deputy spokesperson of the Tinubu/Shettima Presidential campaign council speaks volumes of her patroitism. A daughter to a prominent politician from Katsina State, she is indeed an asset to the realization of the Presidential quest of one of the greatest minds that has added value to our democracy, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

 Our country has been through a crucible since independence because of bad leadership. Make no mistake about this, our democracy today is fragile and this fragility has made it necessary for those great minds and heroes who help through their personal sacrifices to go further in order for us to successfully outlast this fragility. Hanny Musawa is one of those heroes of our democracy who helped during our country’s period of troubles with military rule and their dictatorial tendencies with her writings to give us the courage to look ahead in our unique ways which makes us restless, bold, optimistic and setting our sights on victory over those tendencies.

She has decided to no longer sit on the fence because the first war- the war for the return to civil rule and democracy had been won. The next war which seems elusive till this day is the war to recruit capable leadership that would run the country. She has decided to stick her pride to fight for the realization of the Presidency of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu simply because she is convinced among the candidates jostling to occupy Aso-Rock Villa in 2023 as President of the country, Bola Tinubu has the experience, the resilience, and the ability to realize our nation’s quest to achieve greatness. She decided to stick out her neck for Bola Tinubu because she knows the Nigerian story depends not on any of us, not on some of us, but on all of us. Nigeria has gone through storms, strife, and still far from attaining our goals. For her, Bola Tinubu is the main man our nation needs at this time when we have much to repair, much to restore and much to heal.

Musa Wada,


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