Stakeholders Urge Buhari to End Killings in Enugu Communities

Emameh Gabriel in Abuja

President Muhammadu Buhari has been urged to end the spate of killings in Ehi-Amufu communities in Enugu State by suspected herdsmen and bandits.
The Ehi-Amufu indigenes lamented that the attacks had sacked several communities, “forcing residents to seek refuge in Internally Displaced Person (IDPs) camps in neighbouring communities resulting into a massive humanitarian crisis.”

The call was made at the weekend by the coordinator of Enugu Good Governance Group, Odinaka Okechukwu, at a press conference with journalists in Abuja, condemning the mindless attacks that he said have claimed no fewer than 150 persons in the last one year.
The group also called on the federal government, the Inspector General of Police, Alkali Baba and other security chiefs in the country to “step in and restore normalcy in the troubled community.”

It commended the Enugu government’s efforts to end violent conflicts.  
The group, however, condemned attempts to politicise the killings and crises
Okechukwu said, “We note with dismay and condemn the politicisation of the Eha-Amufu crisis and twisting of the facts by one Dr. Casmir Ifeanyi and one Ken Asogwa during their sponsored television appearances where they blamed the Enugu State Governor for not taking action to address the crisis in Eha-Amufu.”
He stated that it was a “calculated propaganda aimed at deceiving and misinforming the public to say that the Eha-Amufu was thrown into crisis because Hon. Chijioke Edeoga, who is an indigene of Mgbuji, Eha-Amufu is contesting governorship on the platform of the Labour Party.”

The group’s coordinator added, “We are not alone in the condemnation of this act and reckless utterances. The stakeholders from the seven autonomous communities of Eha-Amufu in a meeting held on 27th December 2022 at Eha-Amufu condemned and disclaimed the actions of Dr. Casmir Ifeanyi and his cohorts, stressing that they were misinforming the public.”

He pointed out that Ifeanyi “is not only resident in Abuja,” but hardly on the ground to be abreast of developments in the area.
“For instance, while he claims that Eha-Amufu is made up of nine autonomous communities, Eha-Amufu is actually made up of seven autonomous communities, namely Mgbuji, Abor Ishiala, Umuhu, Amede, Ihenyi, Aguamede, and Isu,” said Okechukwu.

He added, “Also, contrary to the misinformation by Dr. Casmir Ifeanyi and his cohorts that the Eha-Amufu killings started in 2020, the crisis has actually lasted for so many years and equally predates the Governor Ugwuanyi administration by many years. Again, whereas he claimed that the recent killings started on 8th December 2022, the killings started well before then and sadly heightened on 7th December 2022.”

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