His beaming smile is his trademark but more importantly his heart of gold and spirit of adventure stands him out. I must say his zest for life is breathtaking and legendary as he continues to shine like the lush dales of Akwukwu Igbo.

Dr Newton Jibunoh started life with a lot of uncertainties with the loss of his mother and father months after in an accident in the 40s. The uncertainty became mammoth when his dearest sister that was the only companion and compass passed, but his sense of loneliness only birthed an unending adventure that will spur him to greater things.

When nobody gave him a chance, he gave himself one, following the stars that only leads to greatness, earning a degree in Engineering and also doing the unthinkable and traveling back home through the desert in the 60s in Africa. He has since conquered the desert and become the true desert warrior and campaigner for environmental causes. He always will say we are put on earth for a reason and the universe has been here before us. So relax, he says, with lovely smile, so infectious to make hearts melt.

Newton is a man of the people and his friends are unique from 20-year – old to 90-year- old. Everyone is always bright and beautiful with him and he is skilled in making everyone feel important. One thing so amazing is his heart. I swear you can feel he has a good spirit once you meet him; I met him10 years ago in Eko Hotel and we chatted for five minutes and he was convinced enough to make me his Master of Ceremonies for his 75th Birthday. That friendship has lasted over 10 years and it keeps shining like the sunflower, his grace is graceful. I must add his scent of humanity is warm like the Eucalyptus.

I told him two days ago at dinner that I will see him at 95, which is10 years’ time and he smiled saying, God willing. I must confess men like Newton are hard to find, like he once autographed for me in a book saying, “Rufai friends like you are hard to find”.

Rufai Oseni, rufaioseni@gmail.com

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