Politicians, Business Tycoons Set to Honour Julius Rone as He Prepares a Befitting Burial for His Father

Having a prestigious background can prove to be a big advantage to an individual. But having a reputable background, with parents who will not compromise their values for anything, is an even greater advantage. As is evident in the life of UTM Offshore Limited boss, Julius Rone, a father with a great reputation will take you farther than your imagination can conceive. Thus, when such a father sets off on the Great Journey, one sends him off with a carnival.

It is no longer news that Chief Sunday S. Rone, the Obazuaye of Warri Kingdom and father of UTM boss (nicknamed the Gas King), is late. Having lived to the ripe old age of 86, Rone’s father passed on to the other life and took with him some of the opportunities that his son would have had to share future glories with him. Nevertheless, before Obazuaye retired from life, he witnessed Rone go from an ordinary businessman to the top celebrity in the oil and gas sector in Nigeria.

When the Obazuaye of Warri Kingdom passed away, many prestigious individuals noticed and took time to compose a condolence message for those the chief left behind, especially the Gas King. President Muhammadu Buhari was one of those individuals and the president celebrated the deceased for assisting the other pillars of the Warri Kingdom in maintaining peace and dictating the pace of progress.

Recently, the burial arrangements for the Chief were published. According to the setup, the entire event will be held in Delta State between February 17 and 19, just days before the presidential elections. Nonetheless, President Buhari, state governors, and the leaders of industry are expected to honour Rone by attending the events.

Without question, Rone can only send his father off with a befitting burial. He owes him that much, and the many high-ranking power brokers of Nigeria also owe the Chief for raising a child as excellent as Rone.

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