Okowa Visits Families of Slain Security Aides

  Obaseki condemns killing

Omon-Julius Onabu in Asaba and Adibe Emenyonu in Benin City

Governor Ifeanyi Okowa yesterday  paid condolence visits to the families of the policemen killed by assassins in Anambra State on their way to official assignment in Umuahia, Abia State.

Okowa, who is 2023 Vice-Presidential Candidate of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) visited families of the deceased officers, including police inspectors Lucky Aleh, Celestine Nwadiokwu and Jude Obuh, who were, until the unfortunate incident, attached to Explosives Ordinances Disposal Unit at the Government House, Asaba.

The trio met their untimely death last Friday following an ambush by the assailants along Ihiala-Orlu Road in Anambra State while heading for Umuahia as part of the governor’s advance team.

However, Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, has condemned the attack and killing of officers.

The governor, in a statement, expressed shock over the killing of the officers, and prayed for the repose of their souls.

 Okowa visited the homes of the deceased in Agbor-Obi and Orogodo-Agbor in Ika South Local Government Area for Aleh and Obuh, and Owa Ekei in Ika North-East for Nwadiokwu, where he commiserated with their widows, Mrs Nwamaka Aleh, Mrs Juliet Obuh and Mrs Onyeisi Nwadiokwu, their children and other family members.

He prayed for the bereaved families and urged them to take solace in the fact that the deceased died in active service for the nation, assuring that the state government would continue to identify with them through the trying times.

In company with the governor were the member representing Ika Federal Constituency, Mr Victor Nwokolo; member, representing Ika South in the State House of Assembly, Mr Festus Okoh and his Ika North-east counterpart, Mr Anthony Elekeokwuri; Commissioner for Works, Mr Noel Omodon; his Information Counterpart, Mr Charles Aniagwu and other senior government functionaries.

The deceased police officers are believed to be victims of the insecurity in the South-east emanating from violent agitations by Biafra separatist groups.

Okowa had, earlier on Saturday, sued for peace and understanding in the South-east in the interest of harmonious coexistence and development particularly in that part of the country renowned for its industriousness.

Meanwhile, Obaseki described the attack as dastardly and unconscionable, and commiserated with the Delta State Police Command and the families of the victims of the attack.

According to the governor, “I am shocked and deeply saddened by the attack and killing of officers attached to the EOD Unit in Government House, Delta State.

“I express deep-felt condolences to the Delta State Police Command and the families of the officers. It is most disheartening to hear of the sad incident. I pray for the repose of the souls of the victims of the attack.”

The governor therefore, charged security agencies to investigate the incident and ensure that justice was served to bring closure to the families of the affected officers.

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