Afuye: Tinubu Coming to Liberate Nigerians from Poverty, Insecurity

Gbenga Sodeinde in Ado Ekiti

The Ekiti State Deputy Governor, Mrs. Monisade Afuye, has urged Nigerians to vote massively for the All Progressives Congress Presidential Candidate, Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to afford him the opportunity to liberate the masses from poverty, insecurity and other social evils.

Afuye clarified that Tinubu is not vying with the evil intention to loot the country’s treasury, but to bring radical liberation to the poor masses by rejuvenating the economy and ensuring security of lives and property.

She expressed this view in Afolu, Obada and Ogbese communities in Ise/Orun Local Government Area of Ekiti State while commissioning boreholes donated by an APC House of Representatives Candidate, AVM. Adeniyi Ojuawo (rtd).

The deputy governor, according to her Media Aide, Mr. Victor Ogunje, also addressed a mammoth crowd of supporters at a rally held in Ise- Ekiti to galvanise support for Ojuawo and the APC’s Senatorial Candidate in Ekiti South Senatorial District, Hon. Yemi Adaramodu.

The campaign train, which had the Chairman of the APC, Mr. Paul Omotoso, and other bigwigs, visited the palace of Arinjale of Ise-Ekiti, Oba Adetunji Ajayi, to seek his royal blessing for all the candidates.

Afuye said that voting for Tinubu and other party’s candidates remained the most beneficial option for Ekiti residents in the forthcoming general polls.

She said: “You all know the status of Tinubu in this country. He has strong financial and personality stature that can earn him successful living. He is not coming to loot Nigeria. He has everything working for him.

“But as a masses-oriented personality, he is seeking the presidential seat to liberate the masses from poverty, insecurity, unemployment and other multifaceted crises bedeviling this nation.

“Of paramount importance to him is to unite this country that is fast becoming fragmented along ethnic lines.

“When Tinubu was the governor of Lagos State, he ran a mini Nigeria as a cabinet. People across all the geopolitical zones were composed in his cabinet.

“We all knew how he performed well and laid a good and rocky foundation for Lagos’ growth and that we are sure he will do for Nigeria if given the opportunity to serve.”

She also described Hon. Adaramodu and Ojuawo as reliable Nigerians, who could be trusted with power, urging the voters to elect them with their votes to ease governance in Ekiti.

“You all know that Governor Biodun Oyebanji is doing well in the continuity agenda. He needs those who can complement him at the national level and Hon Adaramodu and AVM. Ojuawo would be fit for this job.

“We appeal to you, vote for them in the presidential and National Assembly election coming up next week. They won’t disappoint you.

“The fact that Ojuawo donated these boreholes to you even before being elected and all the infrastructures that Hon Adaramodu has provided in the last three and half years, were suffice to convince you that you won’t regret voting for them,” she stated.

She appealed to the communities to make judicious use of the facilities to solve perennial water scarcity in the communities, adding that lack of maintenance culture as the worst evil afflicting the nation.

In his response, the  Community Head of Afolu Farmstead, Mr. Jide Ibikunle, commended  Governor Oyebanji and the donor for counting the communities worthy of being considered for such facilities.

“Since 1999 that we have been voting, we have never received this kind of benefit. He did exactly what we wanted. We won’t betray him. I am begging my people, let us vote for APC.

“We are not betrayers; we don’t pay good deeds with evil. We are going to repay APC candidates with votes in the coming elections. In fact, you will be marveled with the quantum of votes you will garner here,” Ibikunle said.

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