Oghenetega Adogbeji: Being a frequent Judge  at the Data Hackathon Allows Me to Contribute Consistently to the Growth of the Tech Ecosystem

Oghenetega Adogbeji, a distinguished Data Scientist and tech innovator, a judge at the Data Hackathon, an annual event hosted by Lagos Tech Fest, where he evaluated and provided insights to aspiring tech entrepreneurs.

The event brought together a diverse range of startups specializing in data-driven solutions, from artificial intelligence applications to cutting-edge analytics tools. Entrepreneurs pitched their ideas to a panel of seasoned judges, including Oghenetega Adogbeji, who offered valuable feedback to shape the trajectory of these burgeoning ventures. Adogbeji, a frequent judge at the Data Hackathon, in this interview discusses his experience as a judge, the future of data-driven startups, and his role in the tech ecosystem.  Excerpts:

What motivated you to participate as a judge in the Data Hackathon hosted by Lagos Tech Fest, considering your frequent involvement in this annual event?

I am deeply passionate about the potential of data-driven technologies to transform industries, and the Data Hackathon provides a unique platform for harnessing that potential. Being a frequent judge allows me to contribute consistently to the growth of the tech ecosystem by supporting and guiding the next generation of data scientists and entrepreneurs.

What criteria did you consider while evaluating the startup pitches at the Data Hackathon?

In the world of data solutions, I looked at the technical innovation, the scalability of their data models, the impact on real-world problems, and the proficiency of the team in handling complex data challenges. It’s essential for startups in this space to showcase not only technological prowess but also a clear understanding of the practical applications of their solutions.

What stood out to you about the winning startup at this year’s Data Hackathon?

The winning startup demonstrated a deep understanding of data science principles and applied them innovatively to solve a pressing issue in their target industry. Their solution was not only technically sound but also showcased a strategic approach to market implementation. The consistency of high-quality ideas at the Data Hackathon is always impressive.

How important is it for startups in the data-driven space to effectively communicate their value proposition during pitch events like the Data Hackathon?

Communication is key in any industry, and in the data-driven space, it’s crucial for startups to convey the significance of their solutions in a way that is accessible to a non-technical audience. Clear articulation of the problem being addressed and how their data solution adds value is essential for both judges and potential investors.

How do you see the landscape of data-driven startups evolving in the coming years, especially in the post-pandemic era, and what impact will events like the Data Hackathon have?

The post-pandemic era will likely see an increased reliance on data-driven technologies across industries. I anticipate growth in areas such as predictive analytics, machine learning, and data privacy solutions. Events like the Data Hackathon play a vital role in fostering innovation, providing visibility to startups, and connecting them with potential investors. They contribute significantly to shaping the future landscape of data-driven startups.

What advice do you have for data-driven startups looking to attract investment, particularly in the context of your role as a judge at the Data Hackathon?

Apart from showcasing technical proficiency, data-driven startups should focus on illustrating the real-world impact of their solutions. Clearly defining the problem, explaining the scalability of the solution, and outlining the market strategy are crucial aspects that potential investors look for. The Data Hackathon provides a fantastic platform for startups to refine these skills and make a compelling case for investment.

In your experience as a frequent judge at the Data Hackathon, how do you see the impact of the event on the overall tech and data-driven startup ecosystem in Lagos?

The Data Hackathon has had a profound impact on the tech and data-driven startup ecosystem in Lagos. It serves as a catalyst for innovation, bringing together bright minds and providing them with a platform to showcase their ideas. The connections made at the event, coupled with the guidance from experienced judges, contribute to the growth and resilience of the startup ecosystem in Lagos.

How does participating annually as a judge at events like the Data Hackathon contribute to your own growth and learning in the tech industry?

Being a judge at the Data Hackathon allows me to stay at the forefront of emerging technologies and trends. It exposes me to a diverse range of ideas and solutions, challenging me to continually learn and adapt. The dynamic nature of the event keeps me inspired and connected with the vibrant tech community in Lagos.

How does your frequent involvement as a judge at the Data Hackathon align with your broader commitment to the growth of the tech ecosystem?

My frequent involvement as a judge at the Data Hackathon aligns with my broader commitment to nurturing the growth of the tech ecosystem. It’s not just about evaluating startups; it’s about providing mentorship, guidance, and contributing to a culture of innovation. By actively participating in events like these, I aim to foster an environment where new ideas flourish, and aspiring entrepreneurs find the support they need to succeed.

How do you see the landscape of data-driven startups evolving in the coming years, especially in the post-pandemic era?

The post-pandemic era will likely see an increased reliance on data-driven technologies across industries. I anticipate growth in areas such as predictive analytics, machine learning, and data privacy solutions. Startups that can address these evolving needs will be well-positioned for success.

What advice do you have for aspiring data scientists and entrepreneurs based on your experience as a judge?

Stay curious and continuously update your skills. The field of data science is dynamic, and staying informed about the latest technologies and methodologies is crucial. Additionally, building a strong network and seeking mentorship can provide valuable guidance in navigating the challenges of the data science landscape.

How do you contribute to the growth of the startups you evaluate or work with?

In addition to providing feedback as a judge, I actively engage with startups, offering mentorship and sharing insights from my experience in the tech industry. I believe in fostering a collaborative environment where knowledge sharing contributes to the overall growth of the startup ecosystem.

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