RCCG ‘The Envoys’ Plans Inaugural Service in Lagos

The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Mega Church- The Envoys is planning church service at the Excellence Hotel, Ogba Lagos.

The programme, the inaugural church service of the RCCG Envoys is scheduled this Sunday, at 4.pm and would hold same time every Sunday.

The Envoys is a mega church From RCCG.

According to a statement, the programme, with theme: Inferno for the Sunday services would witness the supernatural, Word, worship, love amongst brethren and excellence every Sunday service.

“Each service is going to be power service where the move of the Spirit will be evident in prayer, worship and the word of God,” it explained.

The inaugural service would be hosted by P.Daniel and Pastor Nifemi Olawande his Wife.

“Also to speak at the programme are the Pastor in Charge of Region, Joseph Adeyokunu, Music Minister, Pastor Nathaniel Bassey, Sunmisola Agbebi, and the church’s Lead minstrel Naomi David who will be ministering at the inaugural service of the RCCG The Envoys.

“Everyone who desires to experience the love and power of God will find a home at the envoys. At the envoys, we place priority on prayers, teaching the word with the strong community of believers who help each other grow both in their walk with God and career. We have interest groups for everyone in different works of life.

“From fashion, tech, entertainment, entrepreneurship, finance and many order institutes. Who’s responsibility is to help scale up their influence and apostles in the market place,” the statement explained.

“RCCG Envoys, is God’s response to our time of  prayer. We received our mandate and strategy in the place of prayer, which informed our order of service. We will not only have our normal Sunday services by 4pm, we would have community churches in unorthodox places, soul winning is our drive and we want to let all men know the love of God know no social class or structure. Jesus died for all,” the statement added.

“As a revival hub for all nations, we are raising envoys who will represent the kingdom of God everywhere in every sphere; ordinary men who become extraordinary professionals and global entities. You can be an envoy too and be part of this revolution,” Pastor Daniel and Nifemi Olawande, Lead Pastors, The Envoys, said.

“We hold our services twice every week. Our mid week services hold virtually every Wednesday at 5pm while our Sunday services hold at 4pm. During our services you experience uplifting worship, inspiring message and sound doctrine as well as fellowship with other believers,” the Lead Pastors added.

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