Building Collapse and Professionalism


The rate at which buildings collapse is deeply disturbing.

The Nigerian Institute of Architects Abuja Chapter (NIAABC) has thus urged professionals and regulators in the sector to purge society of individuals who cause willful destruction throughout the construction industry. Yemi Adebiyi said that the regular occurrence of building collapses is a reproach to all participants in the sector – practitioners and regulators. “From all indications the construction sector is currently in a state of ‘war’ and all hands must be on deck to rid our society of elements both in public and private practice that seek to commit wanton destruction either by sheer greed or negligence,” he said. The continued occurrence of building failures, that are structural in nature always results in the loss of life and property. This malaise is an indictment to all players in the industry.  The Abuja Metropolitan Management Council (AMMC) and its departments must continue to enforce the FCT’s development controls and to actively partner with all professionals within this sector with a view to curbing these incidents and restoring public confidence in the department and the building professions. The authorities must move from rhetoric to action.  All necessary investigations should be carried out on collapsed buildings, and the results published, so that the perpetrators of these unwholesome acts brought to book.

“We emphasize once again that every building must have an architect and a team of allied professionals (Engineers, Surveyors) to help coordinate the design, erection, and proper use of the building,” said Adebiyi. “It is our position that all construction sites within the FCT should be marked with site information boards that indicate who the design and supervising architects and engineers are – name, professional affiliations, contact information, etc. This action, if implemented vigorously will go a long way to sanitize the sector as no licensed professional will condone sharp practices that endanger human lives.” A word is enough for the wise.

Ayo Ajayi, Abuja

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