Obi: We’re Re-energised By Things We Saw Across Nigeria

*You’re only sure beacon of hope for Nigerians, says Osuntokun 

*OBIdients round off nationwide rally, optimistic of victory

Emameh Gabriel in Abuja and Gbenga Sodeinde in Ado Ekiti

Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi, has reappraised his nationwide campaign rallies, which kicked off in Nasarawa State on Saturday, October 29, 2022, and rounded off in Lagos on Saturday, February 11, 2023, describing his experience as both inspiring and reassuring.
This is as the Director General of the Peter Obi/Yusuf Datti Presidential Campaign Council (PCC), Chief Akin Osuntokun, has described Obi as the only sure beacon of hope for Nigerians, saying he was a leader with character, capacity, competence, commitment and clean records that Nigerians needed at the moment.

At the same time, the OBIdients recently wrapped up their nationwide rally in Abuja and across other cities in the country in expression of their readiness to take back Nigeria from the current crop of leaders in the country.
However, in an interface with some journalists after his three and a half months state-by-state rally, Obi said more than ever before, the resolve to lead the take-back Nigeria movement was far strengthened than before he and Datti embarked on the campaign.
“From one state to the other, we saw a people fatigued by failed governance but looking very eager and willing to see a new Nigeria,” he declared.

He said rather than feeling fatigued and exhausted, the rallies had reenergised them and become a propelling catalyst for Datti and him because Nigerians of all tribes, religions, regions, classes, and sex were unanimous in their desire for a real change and a new Nigeria.
His words: “The love shown to me and Datti in all the places we went has energised us into wanting to render all to rescue this country. We saw poverty, which shouldn’t be for a naturally endowed nation like ours; we saw people denied compassion by their leaders.

“We saw energy and vitality being wasted, youths in their productive age wrongly deploying their talents because of lack of direction and engagement. In the East, West, North, and South, we saw conspicuous unanimity of abandonment arising from failure of governance.
“I saw poverty in the North, but I also saw untapped talent, underutilised and wrongly deployed energy, and also saw vast arable land, the country’s future gold, and oil.

“I am thrilled by what I saw across the country in the people’s zeal for something different; people who are suffering but are hopeful about tomorrow. People are disappointed by the failed leadership over the years but remain optimistic and expectant about tomorrow.
“Our top priority remains securing and uniting the country, because without security, there is nothing anybody can achieve and without harmony among the people, there cannot be meaningful progress.
“I am grateful for the show of love from all the states and I appreciate and assure the people that Datti and I will not disappoint them. We will deliver exactly what we have promised.”

Obi, therefore, urged Nigerians to reenergise the “take back Nigeria project” by ensuring that they come out in their numbers to cast their votes for character, competence, capacity, and capabilities.”
Meanwhile, as the ObiDient wrapped up its nationwide rally at the weekend in Abuja and across other cities in the country, it has expressed optimism on the chances of Obi to win the presidential election.
Speaking with newsmen on the sidelines of the rally tagged: “It’s Now or Never”, at Unity Fountain, Abuja, the Convener, Good Governance Institute and Head of Strategy Global March, Marcel Ngogbehei explained that, the “youths have wasted too much time following and clapping for corrupt politicians”, saying that it was “time to take the country back from the grip of corrupt politicians.”

Similarly, in a statement issued at the event by the Organizing Committee for the event made up of all ObiDients worldwide and signed by Amb. Kingland Justin; Lead Global March,Professor Chris Nwaokobia Jnr; founder of the 100 Million March, Nina Atalor, and heads of other affiliated bodies, the groups explained that the Obidient 100 Million Global March was the final phase of the campaign to take back Nigeria.
Nevertheless, Osuntokun, has said Saturday is the biggest day of decision-making day when Nigerians will choose between the real change they earnestly desired, or continue to wallow in pains, urging Nigerian masses to choose right in order to ensure a better life.

Specifically, he described Obi as the only sure beacon of hope that could bring back Nigerians’ fortunes and revive Nigeria’s collapse economy.
Osuntokun, who made the declaration at the weekend in Ado-Ekiti, the Ekiti State capital, while addressing party supporters from across the 16 the local governments, at a Town Hall Meeting, urged the people to make use of the opportunity and vote wisely for the LP presidential candidate on Saturday.
The former presidential adviser, assured Nigerians that Obi’s emergence as the next Nigeria president would put an end to all the agonies and suffering they were made to face as a result of uncaring leadership.
He enjoined all Labour Party members across the country, as well as agents, to build on the current tempo of mobilisation for Obi, assuring them that he would speedily address all challenges facing the country, not long, after winning the poll.
Also, state Chairman of Labour Party, Mr Odunayo Okunade, boasted that the party would rule Nigeria and promote family values, according to the dictates of its logo, which is about father, mother and children.
In her address, the women leader of the party in Ekiti, Mrs Wendy Obi, called on voters in the state, especially women, to make sure they vote massively for labour party so as to free themselves and their children from the current hardship, showing faces in virtually all facets of life.
Earlier, the Presidential Campaign Coordinator in Ekiti, Mr Moses Jolayemi, urged voters to troop out on Saturday to elect Obi and his running mate as the next president and vice president of Nigeria, assuring them that the candidates and the party would not renege on promises made to them.

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