LikePlayLikePlay.Com Dating Platform Set to  Launch in Nigeria

LikePlayLikePlay.COM, a dating site in Nigeria, for professionals and entrepreneurs in Nigeria for love-seeking ladies and gentlemen who hope to win at love in a safe and secure fun environment for cool folks is set to be launched.

The online relationship platform according to the site is for those who are too busy, building a career, business and wonder how you can win on all fronts, especially for the single professionals and entrepreneur, hungry for love and seeking a long-term lasting relationship.

For the site, which is primarily for single professionals and entrepreneurs hungry for love and seeking a long-term lasting relationship, and wonder if there is someone out there that you can settle down with in a loving relationship before it is too late? Register at

As online dating is becoming common in Nigeria, but it has highly stigmatized ladies and seen as a place for desperate souls. Most sites are overrun by folks who engage in nefarious activities.

LikePlay-LikePlay.COM has come to change that narrative. We are creating an environment that is safe, secure, well administered, and provides a decent platform for love.

Our platform encourages both guys and ladies whether in business or career professionals to actively, openly, seek love, while also creating a level playing field for those who are sincere in their search to reach out.

Nigerians, especially women have always been industrious, strong, and beautiful…and we want them to display their qualities, and to make dating so much fun; that is what we are about.

Our Online Dating Platform is where you should be if you need somewhere to find a decent partner using an online dating platform. We are the #1 platform out of all the Top dating sites in Nigeria for decent, clean fun and love for serious relationships for Professionals, and Entrepreneurs.  to Register, refer your friends, and sign up for our Newsletter as we have so much to keep you happy and drive away loneliness.

One of the ways we do so is providing play, love, and fun for you online and offline. An example is our Online meets. Recently, on the 3rd of March SimCarD was with us at 9:00PM at Twitter Spaces to ensure we kept laughing, lifting the gloom, while at the same time being open to meeting potential mates from the safety and comfort of your homes on the journey to finding love.

Our LikePlay-LikePlay full app platforms will be launched by the end of March, 2023 with the Android and Apple apps allowing various options for lovers.

Can this be real? A well run, and focused platform in Nigeria that does not subscribe to the cheap shots on other platforms? Rather, it is dedicated to serving your purpose in love.

These are questions that are out there.

It is an idea whose time has come. We shall be rooting for LikePlayLikePlay.COM knowing the enormous investment it will require to keep this site running like a well oiled German machine.

We would also be looking forward to updating the relationship audience on how LikePlay-LikePlay.COM will maintain the standards comparable to some of the best international dating sites that have crammed into Nigeria.

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