Why Aisha Babangida Doesn’t Joke with Her ‘First Love’

Love is not always a romantic feeling compressed and expressed through words. Many times, the demonstration of love is devotion and dedication. This is something that Aisha, the daughter of former military President Ibrahim Babangida and his late wife Maryam, understood very well. In demonstrating her love for her late mother, Aisha remains tenacious, showing herself worthy of emulation.

Aisha’s contributions evolved from her dedication to continuing where her mother had stopped. Her mother’s foundation, Better Life Programme for the African Rural Woman (BLPARW), is how Aisha first reached out from her comfort zone and touched the world. Since then, she has had many other projects but remained with BLPARW because it is her first love.

To Aisha, BLPARW is not a project to remember her mother by. Based on her commitment to the demands of the philanthropic community that emerged as a result of the project, it is clear that Aisha understands the same thing that motivated her mother to develop the project in the first place. So, in addition to honouring the late former First Lady, BLPARW has stood as a banner for women empowerment across Africa, bringing the best that the world can offer to women who have offered themselves to their families and households.

With Aisha’s progressive work at BLPARW, the world is undoubtedly a better place with women handling their matters and participating in national development. Without it, there would be far more women sitting around the marketplace of irrelevance, achieving nothing.

Aisha continues her vigil at BLPARW for her mother’s sake and the sake of helping to stir greatness and accomplishment in the hearts of African women. This remains her first love and will always be.

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