Despite Election Loss, FCT Senator Pledges to Complete N2.8bn Road Projects, Others

Sunday Aborisade in Abuja

The Senate Minority Leader, who is currently representing the Federal Capital Territory Senatorial District in the National Assembly, Senator Phillip Aduda, has promised to complete all constituency projects he started in various council areas of the nation’s capital before the end of the 9th National Assembly.

Aduda made the pledge while inspecting his constituency projects in Bwari and Abuja Municipal Area Councils.

He inspected series of road projects with drainages, medical centres, schools renovation in AMAC and sports centres built in Jikwoyi and Nyanya for talents discovery.

Specifically, the senator pledged to complete the six-kilometre Global Suite Road in Sabon Gari Area of Bwari awarded at a cost of N1.4 billion and the network of roads within the Nyanya area of the FCT, also awarded at a cost of N1.4 billion. 

He also inspected the 1.5 kilometre Government Secondary School Road in  Kuduru with street lights.

The senator inspected the multipurpose town hall situated in Kuduru ward in the Bwari Area Council; the 2.2km internal road project in Gbazango, Kubwa ward  and the Byhazin/Across Road in Bwari Area Council, which had been in deplorable conditions for many years.

Speaking with journalists, Aduda said he did all the projects for posterity when asked why he did not showcase them for the Abuja residents before the National Assembly election which he lost to Mrs. Ireti Kingibe of the Labour Party (LP).

He, nevertheless, explained that the essence of his project inspection tour was to correct the wrong impression being created in some quarters that he neither executed nor facilitated any projects to Abuja since he had been representing the FCT at the National Assembly.

He said: “I want to be remembered for being very modest about some of my achievements which is  infrastructural development.

“I have also realised that sometime, if you don’t say what you are doing, people will wonder what you have done and people will wonder and people will not know except the immediate benefitting communities.

“What I have done is to take journalists round the projects which I have done within the past few years because some people are asking what I had done for the FCT in the past 20 years.

“The more a lawmaker stays as a legislator, the more you have opportunities to be able to attract so many things that are developmental to your people.

“For me, the more a person gets re-elected into the National Assembly or  legislative arm of the state governments, the more he or she garners experience and needed contacts to facilitate development-driven projects to his or her constituencies, as I have done for the people of FCT within the last 20years.

“The Nyanya-Hospital Road costs over N1.4 billion, including the drainages, culverts and other modern facilities. The road, which leads to the Mechanic Village around the Sabon Geri area of Bwari Area Council also costs over N1.4billion.

 “As we are winding down the 9th Senate, we need to  go round to take inventory of what we have done and put them into a compendium for history because we want history to judge us right when our stories will be told.

“The projects unveiling and inspection will continue next week with similar visitations to Gwagwalada, Kuje, Kwali and the Abaji Area Councils.”

Most of the residents, who spoke with journalists during the tour of the projects in different parts of the FCT, said they were impressed by the development – driven projects.

The Chief Imam of the Pipeline Mosque in Gbazango, Kubwa Ward, Kassim Abdallah, commended the senator and wished him well in his future endeavours.

Abdallah said: “For us in this area, you (Aduda) are a worthy ambassador of the masses and downtrodden in government. 

“The relief this Gbazango Pipeline road you constructed brought to the beneficiaries will surely manifest success for you in all your endeavours.”

Another resident of the area, Sumaila Ibrahim, described Aduda as a man of the people as far as projects delivery representation is concerned at the National Assembly.

He said many of those who voted against Aduda in the National Assembly election last month, did so out of ignorance, adding that they were now regretting their actions.

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