‘Nigeria’s Fintech Market Stands Out in Africa’ 

Nume Ekeghe

The Chief Executive Officer of Cellulant, Akshay Grover has stated that the Nigerian fintech market stands out in the continent on different counts.

During a media chat, Grover pointed out that Nigeria and Kenya are the top two markets in African fintech but insisted that Nigeria is ahead in terms of market size, technology talents and market offerings.

He said: “There are very many lenses through which people look at a market. One lens is market size, and I would say that Nigeria is top of the line in this regard. Another lens is how many new fintech products are coming up in the market. Here, I would say probably that the top two markets are Nigeria and Kenya, Nigeria being ahead.

“The third lens could be the availability of technology talent in the market, here, I believe Nigeria stands out. So, when I think about different lenses, I think Nigeria is a big player in this space. What I would wish is that the macroeconomic environment in Nigeria would be sort of better.”

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