Julian Osula as the King of Luxury

There is something about human nature that is delighted in abundance and luxury. This is why those that have managed to get a grasp of the ascetic life remain models for the rest of us. Look at Julian Osula, for example. Privileged to drink directly from the wellspring of luxury, he does not hesitate to drown himself in it, demonstrating that kings can be born through their efforts.

They say that those who have lived the oldest have the strongest grasp of reality. In Osula’s case, it is a matter of benefitting from the experience of others, letting him know what he needs to do and who he needs to be friends with to stand out among his peers. Surprisingly, such a path of humility has brought Osula to heights never before reached in his proverbial hometown. Perhaps this is why he has no qualms about bathing in luxury.

One can obtain a PhD in automobile finance by visiting Osula’s garage in Victoria Garden City (VGC). It is said that his car park is a land of dreams for car lovers. Have you never seen a BRABUS Mercedes or Lamborghini? A trip to Osula’s VGC garage would enlighten you about the luxury of supercar wheels and leather seats.

For Osula, timing and position dictate everything. During the time of General Sani Abacha, Osula was loyal to the then-head of state. Also, he was one of the biggest friends of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration.

Of course, knowing that Osula runs Julian’s Luxury, one of the leading brands for all things high-end and luxurious, is enough to diagnose Osula’s view on life. Moreover, it helps that he is charming and humble, making others rest at ease in his presence and eventually wish to endear themselves to him. What is not to like about him?

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