How NAF Boosts Credible Logistics Operation through Research, Development 

With the premium placed on Research and Development, the Nigerian Airforce is bent on taking innovative approaches to boost its logistics operations, with possible moves to commercial their roaring successes in the nearest future, Chiemelie Ezeobi reports As part of efforts to reduce foreign dependence and promote self-reliance, the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has continuously put its best foot forward in Research and Development (R&D). With many R&D innovations under its belt, commercialising the successes in the nearest future cannot be over ruled. 

Some of the R&D breakthroughs include the induction of the first NAF indigenous operational unmanned aerial vehicle named Tsaigunmi; receipt 

of patent right for the production of the Unmanned Ground Vehicle; receipt of patent right for the production of the hydraulic accumulator diaphragm for the Mi-35 helicopter series; repair Alpha Jet Engines locally by NAF Technicians; local production of 30.1mm Rockets and heat shield protective cones for Alpha Jet rocket pods, as well as Aviation Power pack; and weaponisation of L-39ZA trainer aircraft and 3 x Alpha Jet aircraft whose weapon systems were reconfigured locally to carry not only the Western bloc rocket launchers but also Eastern bloc rocket launchers. But beyond all these, it’s on record that NAF had in the past signed a Memorandum of Understanding with about 32 indigenous academic and research institutions as well as manufacturing companies to develop local capacity to meet its aircraft spares and logistics need. 

Millions in foreign exchange have been saved through these various innovations. 

Recently, at the NAF 2023 Inter-units Research and Development (R&D) Competition held at 631 Air Craft Maintenance Depot (ACMD) Hanger, Ikeja, Lagos, themed Improving Innovative R&D for Credible Logistics Support In Nigeria Air Force Operations, the importance of R&D, especially to logistics operations, was brought to the fore. 

At the end of the competition, the 635 NAF Armament Support Group (ASG) Kainji came first with the creation of the SUU-20 Bomb Dispenser Loader while the  631 NAF ACMD came second creating the Actuators Test Stand and 671 NAF Station Ibadan came third inventing the Intruder Detection System.

At the event, Chief of Standards and Evaluation, Headquarters, Nigerian Air Force (NAF) AVM Bala Abubakar, who reiterated the premium placed R&D, said the NAF might commercialise some of its project in the future.

Stressing that a lot of projects and technology that had been developed through R&D in the air force had been patented by the National Office For Technology Acquisition and Promotion, he noted that “Some of the technologies are strictly for military use in which case we may not be in a hurry to patent and produce at the industrial level for commercial use.

“However, those projects that are applicable to general aviation will be commercialised in the near future so, the future is bright and the potential unlimited for the NAF”.

He further added that NAF embarked seriously on R&D in order to gradually stop dependence on foreign vendors for materials as well as to save foreign exchange for the country.

Buttressing, he said, “NAF is the most technologically based of the armed forces in Nigeria which implies that our operations, equipment and sustenance of operations are highly foreign dependent.

“This has a lot of security implications as well as the high cost associated with buying things from foreign vendors so it is important for NAF to embark seriously on R&D.”

Citing the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle, GULMA in 2013 as well as a more advanced version called Tsaigumi in 2018 as part of the dividends of the R&D, he listed other innovations to include the production of the MI-35 Hydraulic Accumulator Diaphragm and 30mm Canon Loader, Heat Shields Protective Cones, Break Pads, rivets and anti skid test bench for the Alfa Jet Aircraft, among many others.

“I believe that this event will bring out products which can be patented to aid the advancement of NAF operations in particular and the development of the nation at large,” Abubakar added.

On the NAF policy on R&D, he said it had recently been reviewed including its implementation strategy for short, medium and long term, adding that the reviewed policy addressed the challenges experienced in the past including funding support as well as technical collaboration for R&D.

He said, “We have also renewed existing MOU as well as sign 50 MOUs between the NAF and tertiary institutions and other research institutes around the country,” but added that the NAF R&D Centre had recently been relocated to Oshogbo to form part of the multi-billion naira aviation village.

“The centre, when completed will leverage on it’s close proximity to the Oshogbo Machine Tools limited for parts fabrication and parts manufacture.

“I urge our teams of researchers to take advantage of this initiative to further enhance and consolidate our research effort,” the AVM said.

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