NIPSS to Partner with NiMet on Research 

Kasim Sumaina in Abuja 

The National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) has indicated interest to partner with the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet) in the area of research.

This was disclosed by the team leader of the Senior Executive Course 45 of the institute, Dr. Emmanuel Sambo Mamman, when they visited NiMet headquarters Wednesday in Abuja. 

Mamman, who doubles as the institute’s librarian, while speaking, highlighted the functions of the NIPSS and its activities, even as he described the institute as the centre for research and dialogue for academics and policy makers.

He added that participants are drawn from the public and private sectors of Nigeria and converge annually in order to solve problems of the Nigerian society.

The team leader revealed that the Senior Executive Course is the flagship programme of the institute and runs for 10 months. 

He explained that the programme is driven by a theme given by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria every year and the theme for this year is  ‘Industrialization, Climate Change and  Energy Security in Nigeria’ with emphasis on issues, challenges and prospects. 

On their purpose for the visit, he said:

“We are here because we think your organisation is strategic to the theme for the set of 2023.”

Mamman said the participants are expected to conduct a research and their reason for coming is to gather information for the research after which the participants will produce a final report which would be presented to the president. 

In his remarks, the Director General of NiMet, Prof. Mansur Bako Matazu, described the agency as an extension of theuniversity because “our main duty is to collect, collate and produce products and services in all socio-economic sectors of Nigeria that are climate induced or influenced”.

He added that almost all the socio-economic sectors are climate induced or influenced and this shows how relevant  NiMet services are to the existence of this country, as the agency has data dating as far back as 100 years.

Explaining further, Matazu cited how the intervention of NiMet saved the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) about N120 billion because they adhered to NiMet’s weather advisory.

Part of the visit included presentations  by Matazu and by the Director, Research and Training in NiMet, Prof. Effiom Essien Oku.

The participants were later taken on a tour of NiMet facility.

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