Policymakers Seek Innovative Solutions to Enhance Early Childhood Literacy Level in Africa

Uchechukwu Nnaike

The People’s Action for Learning (PAL) Network recently hosted a high-level regional policy dialogue with the theme ‘Evidence for Learning’ today.

The forum featured key stakeholders in the education sector alongside Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Africa to deliberate on the gaps in education policy and discuss available solutions to improve children’s foundational learning outcomes at scale.

According to the World Bank, nine out of 10 children in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) do not achieve basic reading and numeracy skills by age 10.
This has been described as an alarming statistics, especially when compared to developed economies where only one out of 10 do not achieve basic literacy and numeracy skills at the same age.​

Speaking at the event, the Chief Executive Officer, PAL Network, Armando Ali said: “We ought to work collaboratively and learn from each other in order to bridge the gap between evidence and action to improve learning outcomes for children under the age of 10, across Sub-Saharan Africa. We need to get it right for Africa’s growing youth population.

This is only possible through a coordinated response that emphasises the importance of foundational learning policy guidelines in combating the dramatic learning crisis that millions of African children are experiencing.”

Ali said there have been synergies to improve foundational literacy and numeracy, and the forum will provide an opportunity to benchmark successful solutions that have worked in other countries and review data required to inform equitable and inclusive responses to education.

The theme is a call to action for all stakeholders to share proof of work done in order to collaboratively drive learning intervention programs aimed at improving learning outcomes.

Dr. Sara Ruto, former CAS Ministry of Education and a mentor of Citizen Led Assessment and Actions in Africa said: “Education is a source of power for many children. The situation is dire, not many children have access to the skills and competencies needed to yield successful adults.”

A recent study conducted by Usawa Agenda in Kenya, shows at least 60 per cent of grade four students are falling behind in competencies they should have learned a year earlier. 57 per cent of the grade four girls tested could not read a grade three level text. “We must accelerate learners’ acquisition of foundational literacy and numeracy skills,” she added.

The Director of Global Education, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr. Benjamin Piper emphasised need to ensure that all students acquire fundamental knowledge.

“Foundational learning and socio-emotional skills serve as the foundation for all other learning, knowledge, and higher-order skills that children and youths acquire through education, as well as learning in general throughout life. Too many children, however, leave school without having mastered these fundamental skills.”​

Also in attendance at the forum were, Dr. Rukmini Banerji, Chief Executive Officer, Pratham Education Foundation, and H.E Graça Machel, women’s and children’s rights advocate; former freedom fighter and first Education Minister of Mozambique; co-founder and deputy chair of the Elders.

The regional policy dialogue was followed by a field visit to Machakos County, where foundational learning is already being implemented in five different schools. The visit gave a first-hand practical exposure to the assessment of children’s foundational literacy and numeracy skills using the ICAN (International Common Assessment of Numeracy) tool.

PAL Network seeks to collaborate with a broad set of stakeholders across the continent, leveraging evidence-based advocacy to mobilize governments and policymakers to take actions that improve early learning outcomes for children and drive the accountability needed to deliver change at scale across sub-Saharan Africa.

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