NCAA Appoints Zilcotech to Monitor Illegal High Structures

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has appointed Zilcotech International limited as a consultant for the monitoring of illegal erection of high structures nationwide.

This is in line with section 35(h) of the Civil Aviation Act 2022; and parts of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig.CARs) 2015.

NCAA letter to the industry read in part: “We are confident that this collaboration will be beneficial to all stakeholders and the public at large as it concerns the enhancement of safety within the navigable airspace of Nigeria.”

It is expected that concerned stakeholders would cooperate with the consultant in the interest of safer skies and all payments accruing to the Authority on account of the attendant services are to be made directly to NCAA and not to the Consultant, the authority stated.

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority said it would continue to ensure strict compliance to Safety Regulations adding that violations would be viewed seriously.

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