Nigerian Activist Conferred with Doctorate Degree by IGPCM

Precious Ugwuzor

A Nigerian, Mr. Tunji Ajibola, has been conferred with the Professional Doctorate Fellow of the Institute of Global Peace and Conflict Management (IGPCM).

The formal induction will hold on April 8, 2023. The event will have other personalities from different walks of life who have been commended for their good work in maintaining peace in Africa.

Ajibola, a law tutor, is the chief executive officer and lead consultant at Learned Partners Professional Services. He is also the founder of the PAA Youth Development Foundation.

Ajibola, remarking on the honour bestowed on him, said, more than ever before, the global community needed more scholars in peace and conflict management.

He was conferred with a doctorate in global peace and conflict management. He was also certified as a global peace ambassador.

The IGPCM considered his academic standing and practical works in nation-building, peacekeeping, and youth development.

Ajibola, a prolific writer, has many published works on nation-building and youth development to his credit.

He stated that, in every form of human co-existence, problems were inevitable.

Therefore, “Our expertise as erudite scholars and peace ambassadors become instruments for fixing this problem.”

Stakeholders, he said, should avoid situations that may lead to a breakdown of law and order.

Ajibola used the opportunity to preach peace to all Nigerians, especially politicians involved in the just-concluded general election in Nigeria, to be servants of the people and fulfill their campaign promises.

As a doctorate fellow of the IGPCM, Ajibola made a commitment to continue to work with the institute in the area of peace, education, research, and everything to do with the advancement of the institute, as well as promoting peace in Nigeria and the global community, saying, “We all need peace and orderly society to achieve our dreams and aspirations as a global citizen”.

The PAA Foundation (Prince Adetunji Ajibola Youth Development Foundation) is a youth development organization that he founded over 17 years ago as undergraduate organizing weekly seminars for secondary school students and other young adults.

He said, “Our operational name then was Future Minders International and then, later, Young People Life Skills Training Series Nigeria.

“In 2022, the youth-led initiatives became formally incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission.

“As always, my advice for young people is to see themselves as key stakeholders in nation-building. Politicians always rely on young people to do their bidding.

“Young People should resist all the temptation to be used as agents of violence. Electoral violence could lead to social disorder. Everyone will be affected if that happens. Young People should rather use their strength and vitality for the greatest good of everyone.”

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