Presidential Tribunal: Frank Urges Live Transmission of Proceedings 

Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja

A former Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Timi Frank, has called on the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal (PEPT) to  transmit its proceedings live.

Frank, in a statement yesterday said this has become necessary to ensure transparency and openness in the conduct of the tribunal.
He said the move would make Nigerians feel a sense of belonging by keeping them abreast of the progress or otherwise of hearings of the petitions as critical stakeholders.

Frank also urged the PEPT to urgently commence sitting without further delay to ensure accelerated hearing of the case and speedily conclude the case within time statutorily allotted before inauguration on May 29, 2023.

He noted that in Kenya, the Supreme Court concluded hearing of an election petition case and gave judgement in two weeks, adding that he  believed that the judiciary in Nigeria could also save time and earn the trust of Nigerians by working to terminate the case and give its judgement before the inauguration date.
Frank called on the Tribunal, especially the Justices of the Appeal Court and Supreme Court, to put Nigeria first before personal interest.

“We know as it stands, the All Progressives Congress is buying time with delay tactics so as to frustrate the case till after inauguration. This is geared towards allowing the APC to use incumbency powers to influence the judgement of the court. The people want the proceedings to be transmitted live. They must listen to the call of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) by doing the case differently for the first time,” he said.

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