Enugu Governor-elect Expresses Sadness over Tragic Road Accident

Gideon Arinze in Enugu

The governor-elect of Enugu State, Dr. Peter Mbah, has expressed sadness over the fatal accident that claimed 15 lives at Ituku, along the Enugu-Port Harcourt expressway on Saturday, the eve of Easter.

In a statement made available to THISDAY yesterday  by the Head of Mbah Media Office, Dan Nwomeh, the governor also condoled with the families of the deceased and prayed for the peaceful repose of the souls of the departed.

“I received with a deep sense of loss the news of the fatal accident that claimed 15 lives at the Ituku axis of the Enugu–Port Harcourt expressway on the eve of Easter. My heart bleeds at this gruesome development and indeed goes out to the families and friends, who lost their loved ones.”

Describing the incident as a heavy and collective loss to the state, the governor-elect called on all road users to be more mindful of road rules and regulations for the safety of all.

“It is a collective loss to us as a people and I urge all to pray the Almighty God to grant the affected families and friends the fortitude to bear the tragic losses,” he said. “Let us also join them in prayers for the peaceful repose of the souls of their loved ones”.

While saluting the efforts of law enforcement agents in the state, he called for stricter enforcement of the rules and regulations to minimise such unfortunate incidents, especially during festive seasons.

Mba also commended the Enugu State Commissioner of Police, CP Ahmed Ammani, for instituting a full-scale investigation into the road accident, noting that it would be helpful in the efforts to make the roads safer.

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