Atiku to CCB: Halt Keyamo’s Interrogation of Graft Allegations against Me

•Threatens he may be forced to activate judicial process against agency

•Ex-vp campaign mocks Wike, says he’s suffering from anger demon

Chuks Okocha and Alex Enumah in Abuja

Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the February 25 presidential poll, Atiku Abubakar, has asked the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB), to halt its planned Interrogation of the Minister of State for Employment, Mr Festus Keyamo, SAN, over corruption allegations made against him.

He however, warned that if the agency persisted in its enterprise of investigating an already subjudice matter currently pending before a court of competent jurisdiction, he would be left with no alternative than to activate a judicial process against it.

This is as the PDP Presidential Campaign Director of Strategic Communication, Dele Momodu, yesterday, mocked the Rivers State Governor, Nyesome Wike that almost one year after losing the party’s presidential  primary election, he has remained inconsolable and sulking endlessly.

The CCB had last month written to Keyamo to appear before it later this month to throw more light over the fraud allegations.

The Bureau in the invitation letter to Keyamo stated that the “invitation is to enable you adopt the aforementioned petition and to provide any additional information that may be material to this investigation. You are requested to come along with one Michael Achimugu, to assist with enquiries regarding the attachments to your petition.”

But in his reaction, Atiku claimed that invitation amounted to an “Attempt to overreach” in the suit marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/84/2023, between Keyamo and himself, ICPC and EFCC.

Atiku, in a letter to the bureau dated April 7, claimed that any deliberation on the issue would amount to contempt of court since parties had already joined issues in the suit.

Lawyers to Atiku led by Mike Ozekhome, SAN, who signed the letter, expressed surprise that Keyamo reportedly responded to the invitation of the bureau purportedly to shed more light on his complaints to the Bureau, which far preceded and formed the very basis of his pending suit, as aforesaid.

“Our reasons are obvious: it is highly inappropriate for a party to a suit to take any extra-judicial steps, or to embark on any course of action that is either tantamount to, or calculated to undermine the authority and integrity of the court, which is dominus litis over the proceedings.

“Such behavior is as condemnable as it is unacceptable. It is strongly frowned upon, by courts of law, as it has the potential of over-reaching the court, the other party (our client) and foisting on the court, a fait accompli. In fact, it smacks of contempt of court, albeit ex facie curiae,” Ozekhome said.

The senior lawyer further observed that the Supreme Court had severally deprecated and condemned such actions in several of its judgments.

“Once a dispute has arisen between a person and the government or authority and the dispute has been brought before the court, thereby invoking the judicial powers of the state, it is the duty of the government to allow the law to take its course or allow the legal and judicial process run its full course.

“The courts expect the utmost respect of the law from the government itself, which rules by the law… In the area where the rule of the law operates, the rule of self-help by force is abandoned.

“For the foregoing reasons, we urge the Bureau to refrain from interfering in the subject matter of Mr. Keyamo’s petition since he has himself voluntarily submitted it to a competent court of law for adjudication.

“Accordingly, kindly advise and direct him to pursue his pending litigation against our client to its logical conclusion. We assure you we are eagerly waiting for him there.

“Where however you persist in your enterprise of investigating this subjudice matter currently pending before a court of competent jurisdiction, we shall be left with no alternative than to activate the judicial process against your good self,” he said.

But Momodu in a statement, said, “Nearly one year after Governor Nyesom Wike lost the PDP Presidential Primary election, he remains inconsolable and continues to sulk endlessly. As his big Brother, who loves him so much, I will continue to offer him prayers so that God can deliver him fully from this demon of anger.

“Wike truly deserves our pity and prayers. He is a hardworking man, who suffers from several afflictions like many mortals: the chief of which is rabid anger. He is a control freak, who expects everyone to bow and tremble before him no matter your age or influence in society.

“Sometimes, when God has been so kind to a man, he may begin to see himself as God. Wike is gloating that Atiku lost the election, the process of which is still ongoing. But Wike lost his own election since last year and he is yet to recover.

“Wike is happy that Dr. Iyorchia Ayu is no longer our National Chairman. Oh, but despite his attacks against the gentleman, Wike’s power and wealth couldn’t remove him. Only cowards mock the ‘dead’ in battle. Like a suicide bomber, Wike terminated the dreams of three of his governor friends, in his war of attrition.

“So, what exactly did he gain? He said I did not win any vote but we both lost, yet he wasted billions of state resources on pursuing a dream he couldn’t achieve. I remain a journalist without borders, while he continues to oppress his hapless and seemingly helpless victims in Rivers State.”

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