Toyin Saraki Pens Emotional Tribute for Late Brother

“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure,’’ so says a popular quote.

For Toyin Saraki, the memory of her brother, ‘Gbegi Ojora, who passed away 12 years ago, is a treasure she will always hold dear.

In a touching tribute shared on her Instagram page, the former Kwara State First Lady reflected on the promise of the resurrection of Christ, finding solace in the renewal of faith and the certainty of everlasting life.

She wrote: “You heard Me say, ‘I am going away, and l am coming back to you. If you loved Me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I- John 14:28. “As we mark the 12th memorial of Gbegi’s departure from temporal life, the promise of the resurrection of Christ brings forth the solace of renewed faith and certainly of everlasting life.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in me as well.

“In My Father’s house, there are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am – John 14:2.

Greatly Beloved, Adegboyega ‘Gbegi Ojora, 29.09.1960 ~ 11.04.2011.”

Many will remember the shock and sadness that spread through Lagos when news of Ojora’s passing broke. A jovial man who never showed any signs of ill health, his death was a loss felt deeply by many, from high-flying business tycoons to politicians who valued his company.

Though he may be gone, the memories of Gbegi Ojora live on, cherished by those who knew and loved him.

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