Runsewe, Helen Mark Hail Outgoing IBB Club Lady Capt, Ikwue

Olawale Ajimotokan in Abuja

The President Nigeria Golf Federation (NGF), Otunba Olusegun Runsewe, and Mrs Helen Mark, the wife of former Senate President, David Mark, have hailed the outgoing Lady Captain of  IBB International Golf and Country Club, Abuja, Joy Ikwue.

Runsewe and Mark, who were guests at the 2023 Lady Captain’s Cup Tournament held over the weekend at IBB Club in honour of the outgoing Captain, commended Ikwue’s values which impacted the lady section in the past one year.

Runsewe, who is the DG National Council for Arts and Culture (NCAC) said female membership drive at IBB Golf Club in the past five years has increased by over 40 per cent as more women have embraced the game of golf.

“The culture of halving the Lady Captain’s Day is a statement that a particular captain has contributed her achievements during her tenure. For me, Joy has done very well to be able to bring the ladies all together, coordinate well and set an agenda for the incoming lady captain so that the standard will remain,” Runsewe noted.

On her part, Mrs Mark commended the series of activities at the lady section of IBB Club in the past one year while urging Ikwue to offer support to her successor.

“She is a very active young lady. It has been a very pleasurable one year. I want to ask her to continue and she should not think that since she has rounded up as the lady captain that it is over. It is just the beginning she has to give the helping hand to whoever becomes the next lady captain.  I want the next lady captain to continue from where Joy stopped. There is always a children’s clinic as part of the lady captain calendar,” Mark said.

Guests who attended the gala night got a huge dose of entertainment from cultural dances while golfers who excelled got prizes.

Rachel Danjuma and A.A Agip won the ladies and men best gross prizes shooting 80 and 75 respectively.

Sunuta K. Biju, who plays off 36  handicap, emerged the overall winner with the nett score of 65.

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