Akinbode Opeyemi: The Hair Business Can Boost Nigeria’s Economy in Several Ways

Akinbode Opeyemi is one of the many young entrepreneurs who has turned their love for luxury human hair brands into a thriving business. 

Opeyemi, the CEO of Rhiks Ope Direct Place, dealers in choice luxury human hair recently shared that the hair business has potentials of boosting Nigeria’s economy.

In a recent chat with Rhiks Place founder she stated that already the hair industry has been providing employment in different aspects. She also suggested that considering some of the hair products made in Nigeria,  it can also become a hub for export to other countries if managed well.

She added that, “The hair business can boost Nigeria’s economy in several ways. First of all, the hair industry provides employment opportunities in hair salons and related businesses such as hair care product manufacturers and distributors. An increase in business for these enterprises directly leads to job creation, which in turn has a positive impact on the economy.”

“Secondly, the exportation of Nigerian hair products such as wigs, extensions, and other hair products to other countries can generate foreign exchange for the country which can also lead to overall improvement of the economy.Additionally, the hair business can also foster entrepreneurship among Nigerians, as people can start their own hair salon businesses or create their own hair care product line thus creating more jobs and revenue

Probing further if she has tried other job opportunities before settling for the hair business, Opeyemi affirmed that she has never done a 9 to 5 job. 

” I have never done any 9 to 5 job. Business has been my passion. I discovered that being an entrepreneur is my thing since I was young. It is something I was born with. My mum is a Business woman and I am the one that helps her to manage her Business. That was why I studied Business Administration In school to have more knowledge about it.”

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