Online platforms with digital tools are providing easy access to vast quantities of legal information, writes

Judith Ufford

The legal profession in Nigeria has always been a challenging field, with its vast array of

information and practice resources. It requires legal practitioners to be highly skilled in their

practice and have access to a plethora of legal materials, such as judgments, statutes, and

precedents, among others. The legal community in Nigeria has been hampered in the past by

the lack of access to such resources, which has made the practice of law much more difficult

than it needs to be. However, the advent of online platforms with digital tools has

revolutionised the legal community in Nigeria, providing easy access to vast quantities of legal

materials, legal practice resources, and other important information.

Online platforms with digital tools provide legal practitioners with the convenience of

accessing relevant legal materials with just a few clicks, unlike traditional legal libraries, which

require the physical presence of the practitioner. This digital transformation has made it

possible for legal practitioners to work remotely, conduct legal research, and access legal resources from any location, which has significantly improved the efficiency and productivity

of legal practice in Nigeria.

The importance of online platforms with digital tools for legal practice in Nigeria cannot be

overstated. According to a recent article by Bscholarly, “technology has brought about a lot of

positive changes in the legal profession” and has “made law practice more efficient,

productive and convenient.” Thus, legal practitioners can now easily access a wide range of

legal materials such as judgments, statutes, precedents, and other legal practice resources

with just a few clicks. This has made it easier for legal practitioners to keep up with

developments in the legal field and stay abreast of changes to legal practice.

One such online platform is, which was launched in Nigeria on April 3,

2023. This platform provides Nigerian legal practitioners, researchers, and students with on-

demand digital legal tools and resources. It boasts of what would soon possibly be the largest

curation of judgments from Nigerian courts, and also provides tools for automating the daily

tasks of legal practitioners in Nigeria, such as downloadable forms and precedents that

subscribers can edit and customize for their own use. Furthermore, subscribers to also have access to a premium service that gives access to cloud-based

diaries and law firm management tools

Another key benefit of online platforms like is the promotion of legal

education. has a dedicated section for law students that provides access

to study guides and summaries for exam revision. Students of the Nigerian Law School in

particular can use the platform to access study guides and summaries for exam revisions. is accessible to everyone, and users can create accounts and subscribe to

gain full access.

Overall, online platforms with digital tools are an important development for the legal

community in Nigeria and is raising the bar for the legal community in Nigeria by providing easy access to legal information and practice resources, promoting legal

education, and making law practice more efficient and convenient. As the legal profession

continues to evolve, it is clear that platforms like will become increasingly

important to lawyers, legal researchers, and students.

As someone who subscribes to the leading online platforms in the industry, it is clear that,

with its cutting-edge technology, and provision of access to vast quantities of legal materials,

legal practice resources, and other important information, will

significantly improve the efficiency and productivity of legal practice in Nigeria. Indeed, the

addition of LegalDigitalNG is a move towards sophistication of online offerings for the legal

community in Nigeria.

 Ufford, a journalist, writes from Lagos

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