Needless Propaganda of Frustrated Elements in Ogun

Bisi Adedamola writes that Governor Dapo Abiodun of Ogun state has been prudent with the resources of the Gateway state.

The ongoing vituperation and smear campaign by opposition elements and their cohorts against the Governor of Ogun State, Prince Dapo Abiodun, is clearly understandable,  though pitiable.

It is patently a function of frustrated minds and their hopeless situation. Genuinely, we sympathize  with them.

The most laughable of the recent junk of less cognitive strength is the one authored by a scavenger in the media space, who is in desperate need of means of survival amid marital trauma of fragmented home called for Prince Dapo Abiodun’s probe for anti-party activities among many visibly trumped up charges.

I was seriously amused by his reference to ‘friends and colleagues in the media’. This is an unpardonable product of imaginary error. Who are his colleagues, and from which media platforms?

However, because this response is originally conceived to kill the dangerous virus the dirty mind ignorantly sold to some unsuspecting members of the public about the governor of Ogun State and his administration,  I will not dignify this element by dwelling much on his personality and rough antecedents, but quickly go straight to puncture some of his lies I consider necessary for the sake of the good people of  the State, as majority of those lies  are too intelligible with obvious absence of  logic to elicit any response.

First, we understand why these political jobbers are  raising the issue of ecological funds and imaginary disappearance of $9m from the state coffers. It is a matter of messy background and history of monumental corruption that characterized the eight-year administration of their gang leader,  in which every fund meant for ecological intervention was criminally siphoned by the governor and his cronies, they thought it is going to be the same style of governance this  time around.

They were  also hallucinating on the kleptomaniac way in which their leader swindled  the State for eight years and  depleted the state’s treasury with impunity, they now  maliciously concluded that the stealing spree which was the order of those  days would continue under PDA, moreso, when all their entreaties to join the new  administration and continue their criminal activities  was cleverly blocked by the governor, who knows his onus and also understands  their psyches.

Putting the record straight, Governor Dapo Abiodun has been open and transparent with the management of all funds accruing to the State’s purse with high level of prudence and financial intelligence, in which ecological funds is not an exception. As a matter of fact, the governor, more than any of his predecessors, has judiciously utilized the funds as a result of his consciousness towards a safe and clean  environment.

At no time did Governor Dapo Abiodun ask any chairman of any local government to sign for ecological funds without corresponding disbursement in the same breath for the purpose it meant for. Again, the purveyors of this jaundiced narrative are former beneficiaries of callous gang-raping of ecological funds during their time. They are certified criminals.

Speaking on the Mikano cars made available to the Chairmen of local governments and issues surrounding it, obviously,  the scenario was blown out of proportion by the enemies of the Governor and the State. They got it wrong.

There is no any animosity between the governor and the chairmen. As a result of inclusive governance of the present administration in the State, every state functionary is fully aware of the economic status of the State and always ready to sacrifice whatever that is needed to ensure its stability and functionality, so, the impression these elements are trying to create around this issue was a mere ploy to set the governors against chief executives of  councils, which has become dead on arrival indeed.

It is clearly instructive that Governor Dapo Abiodun, has been a rallying point in the administration and management of the ruling party, the APC, in the State, without unnecessary interference and with high degree of loyalty and decorum, even in the face of shameless betrayal of his supposed ally and predecessor, who stooped so low to have been manipulated by money to embark on anti-party activities during the last gubernatorial and house of assembly elections, for which he will be appropriately sanctioned for that ignoble and shameful act.

-Adedamola writes from Abeokuta

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