We’re Ready for Induction, Inauguration of Elected Lawmakers, NASS Mgt, NILDS Declare

Udora Orizu in Abuja

Following the conclusion of the National Assembly elections, and the formal release of authentic list of elected Senators and House of Representatives members by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the management of the National Assembly, in conjunction with the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS) have said they are ready of the 10th Assembly.

In a statement signed by Secretary, Research & Information, and Chairman, Sub-Committee on Media and Publicity Ali Barde Umoru, explained that the induction programme, which will be held in two batches, has been scheduled to commence from 7th to 13th of May 2023 with Batch A, while Batch ‘’B’’ would hold from May 14th to May 20th , 2023.

He explained that the objectives of the  exercise was to expose Members-Elect to the functions of the National Assembly, its Practices and Procedures as well as the services available to them.

The statement read, “As part of the efforts to ensure a very successful Induction/ Inauguration exercise, the Management led by the Clerk to the National Assembly (CNA), Alh.Sani Magaji Tambawal has constituted a Central Planning Committee (CPC) made up of all the Secretaries in the National Assembly Service.

Membership was also drawn from the National Assembly Service Commission (NASC) and the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS).
“The CPC, which is at the helm of the planning and implementation of the induction programme as well as the formal inauguration of the 10th Assembly, has the Deputy Clerk to the National Assembly (DCNA), Barrister Kamoru Ogunlana as Chairman. The CPC is divided into eleven specialized sub-committees to enhance effectiveness, efficiency, monitoring and coordination.”

It stated that the Sub-committees include Programme Planning, Finance, Protocol and Ceremonials, Records and Documentation, Media and Publicity, Transport and Logistics, as well as Venue and Accommodation.
Others are
April 20, 2023. Security and Accreditation, Health and Medical Services, Civil Society Organisations/Development Partners and the Rapporteurs Team.
“The Sub-committees, which report at weekly intervals to the CPC have since swung into action, holding strategy sessions and perfecting plans for a successful induction exercise. In fact, the Sub-committees are presently crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s and rearing to go.

“It would be recalled that during the Inauguration of the CPC, the CNA Alhaji Tambawal who promised to deliver seamless Induction and Inauguration programmes, charged the members to put in their best and work as a united team towards the achievement of the desired objectives.”

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