End of an Era … Is Adaobi Nwakuche Forced out of Heirs? 

Politics seems to be the trending issue in Nigeria these days. In civil governance, the courts are full of cases to be heard, settled, or thrown out. This is not the case for corporate governance where the end is the end. Thus, in the alleged issue circulating about Adaobi Nwakuche and Heirs Holdings, time (not courts or judges) will be the deciding factor of which party was right or wrong.

Heirs Holdings, the successful brainchild of popular businessman, Tony Elumelu, is currently caught in a bind. Nwakuche, the MD/CEO of the conglomerate’s insurance arm, Heirs Insurance Limited (HIL), has reportedly been forced out of the company. Moreover, the report from HIL is that she is out to seek and nurture greener pastures, even though online town criers have given an alternative narrative: that others were jealous of Nwakuche and schemed against her.

Nwakuche came into the highest-ranking position of HIL in 2020 after five years as the company’s Executive Director of Business Development. Before she was made the company’s MD/CEO, she was recognised as having accomplished much, including initiating policies that greatly benefit HIL and promoting it as a sustainable company worthy of trust.

Nwakuche maintained a solid track record of accomplishments after she was made HIL MD/CEO. Of worthy note is her innovative insurance scheme for women called Her Motor Plan: it covers all the motor breakdowns, accidents, and needed repairs for women that own cars. Ultimately, that and other initiatives by Nwakuche helped bring HIL closer to Nigerians.

Nwakuche may get something far better than HIL. Only time will tell. Regardless, it is the end of an era at Elumelu’s insurance company.

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