Ediale Kingsley: Building the Go-to Media Strategy Company

Ediale Kingsley is a dynamic media entrepreneur and the brain behind Sabistation Media, one of the most trusted and successful PR and media strategy companies in Lagos, Nigeria. With an impressive roster of clients from the entertainment, politics, and business sectors, Sabistation Media has built a reputation for delivering excellent results in managing clients’ online images and generating impactful media coverage. Kingsley’s company also operates Creator Ediale Films, a film production unit that leverages the power of social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to promote clients’ businesses and brands. Currently, the firm is running three partnership programmes and is fast becoming a major player in the online news business in Lagos. In this interview with MARY NNAH, he talks about his recent ventures and future plans

What inspired Sabistation Media?

The need to create a media and PR company that is not just effective but ethical. I have always been passionate about journalism and the media, and I saw the need to create a company that was focused on helping individuals and businesses create a positive image online. Sabistation Media was born out of the need to provide effective PR and media strategy services to individuals, businesses, and organizations in Nigeria. I noticed that there was a gap in the industry as most PR firms focused on traditional media without fully leveraging the potential of online media. So, I decided to create Sabistation Media to help clients manage their online presence and have a strong presence on various news media platforms.

What sets Sabistation Media apart from other PR and Media strategy companies?

Our focus on ethics and professionalism set us apart. We believe that in the digital age, it is important to have a positive online presence, and that can only be achieved through ethical and professional practices. We also have a film production unit, which sets us apart from other companies and allows us to use different media platforms to push and sell our clients’ businesses.

The Sabistation Media Bloggers Partnership Program is designed to teach and partner with people who want to be professional News Bloggers. We help them set up their News Blogs and teach them the best practices in ethics and standards. This helps eradicate fake news and the evil associated with unprofessionalism in the news online business.

You are also working on your soon-to-be-released YouTube series, The PR Movie. What should viewers expect from it?

The PR Movie is a docu-series that celebrates public and business people doing something great. The series features people who may not be as famous but have something great that the public should know about. The idea behind this series is to showcase individuals who are making a positive impact in their communities and to inspire others to do the same. We believe that everyone has a story to tell, and we want to help share those stories with the world.

What advice do you have for individuals and businesses looking to create a positive online presence?

Focus on ethics and professionalism. It is important to be authentic and transparent in your online presence. Do not try to create a false persona or hide your flaws. Be honest and transparent, and people will respect and trust you. Also, invest in your online presence and seek professional help if needed.

Can you tell us more about the Sabistation Media Bloggers Partnership Programme and how it’s helping to eradicate fake news?

The Sabistation Media Bloggers Partnership Program is a platform where we teach and partner with people who want to become professional news bloggers. We provide them with the knowledge and resources needed to set up their news blogs while ensuring they maintain the best practices as it concerns ethics and standards. Through this program, we’re able to help eradicate fake news and the evils associated with unprofessionalism in the online news business. We believe that it’s our responsibility to help raise the standard of journalism in Nigeria, and this program is one of the ways we’re doing that.

Your company has a partnership programme with parents to help their kids become young media experts. Can you tell us more about this programme?

Yes, we have the Sabistation Kids Intelligence Programme where we teach and mentor kids to become young media experts. This program is designed to help kids between the ages of 8 and 16 learn the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the media industry. We believe that investing in young people is one of the ways we can shape the future of our country. The Sabistation Kids Intelligence Program is our way of giving back to the community and helping to build a brighter future.

We also have a film production unit called Creator Ediale Films. This is an integral part of Sabistation Media as it helps us to use YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to push and sell clients’ businesses and images. This unit is responsible for producing high-quality video content that showcases our clients in the best possible light. We believe that video content is the future of online marketing, and that’s why we’ve invested in this unit to help our clients stay ahead of the curve.

We believe that children are the future, and it is important to invest in them. The Sabistation Kids Intelligence Programme is designed to teach and mentor kids in the media industry. We believe that with the right guidance and mentorship, these kids can become young media experts and make a difference in the world.

Your company has a partnership programme with journalists across 12 countries. How does this program help your clients expand their reach?

Our Sabistation Media Press Network enables us to work with journalists across top platforms in 12 countries, including Ghana, South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, the UK, the USA, Canada, Dubai, China, Germany, France, and India. This programme helps us to ensure that our clients who want to expand their reach can do so easily and smoothly. We’re able to leverage our partnerships with journalists in these countries to help our clients get the exposure they need to succeed. The Sabistation Media Press Network enables us to expand our reach and ensure our clients who want to expand their reach can do this easily and smoothly.

What are some of the challenges you face in the industry, and how do you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges we face in the industry is the prevalence of fake news and unprofessionalism. This is why we take our Sabistation Media Bloggers Partnership Program very seriously, to help raise the standards and ethics of news blogging in Nigeria and beyond. Another challenge is the rapidly changing landscape of social media and digital platforms. We overcome this by constantly staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and adapting our strategies accordingly. We also have a strong team of professionals who are always ready to face any challenge head-on, and we invest heavily in training and development to ensure that our team is always at the top of its game. Finally, we have built a strong network of partnerships with top media platforms and influencers, which helps us to overcome many challenges and reach a wider audience for our clients.

What advice would you give to young people who are interested in pursuing a career in PR and media strategy?\My advice would be to start by gaining knowledge and experience in the field. Read books, attend workshops and seminars, and even intern at established PR and media companies. Also, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry. Finally, I would advise them to be ethical, honest, and professional in their dealings. Reputation is everything in this business, and it takes years to build and just one mistake to destroy.

Could you share with us a memorable experience you’ve had while working in PR and media strategy?

There are so many memorable experiences, but one that comes to mind is when we worked with a client to launch a new product in Nigeria. We employed various PR and media strategies, including influencer marketing, media outreach, and social media campaigns. The launch was a huge success, and the product sold out within days. It was a great feeling to know that our work had contributed to the success of the product and that we had helped to make a positive impact on our client’s business.

What are the future plans for Sabistation Media?

Our goal is to become the leading PR and media strategy company in Nigeria and Africa at large. We want to continue helping businesses, politicians, and individuals to improve their image and reach through effective PR and media strategies. We also plan to expand our partnerships and presence in other African countries, and even beyond the continent. We have a lot of exciting projects in the works, including new film and TV productions, as well as more partnership programs to empower young media professionals. We are always striving to be innovative and stay ahead of the curve in the industry, so there’s always something new and exciting happening at Sabistation Media.

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