Coloured Lens Framework will Help Create Critical Mass of Nation Builders, Says Dr Noel Akpata

Fadekemi Ajakaiye 

Nigeria, like many countries in the world, is grappling with a myriad of socio-economic problems. From insecurity and corruption to unemployment and poverty, the nation’s challenges seem to be growing by the day. However, the good news is that there is a growing consensus among leaders and experts that the key to unlocking Nigeria’s full potential lies in building a critical mass of Nigerians who are committed to nation-building.

To achieve this, there is an urgent need for a national, nation-builder framework that engages the populace and empowers them with the tools and mindset to transform the country. And that is where the colored lens framework comes in.

Developed by world-class innovation and nation-building consultant, Dr Noel Akpata, the coloured lens framework is a powerful public sector and corporate nation building tool that helps the workforce see themselves as nation builders.

Addressing the Press in Abuja, Dr Akpata gave a brief overview about the framework as plans are made towards its official launch. “The framework comprises six lenses – grey, orange, yellow, blue, purple, and white – that help users move from simply complaining about the nation’s problems to more combative positions where they see their gifts, talents, and abilities, as well as their current occupations, as nation-building tools” He stated.

“The grey lens focuses on the nation’s problems, allowing users to rank their feelings about them on a scale of 1 to 5. This lens helps users confront the harsh realities of the challenges facing Nigeria, and acknowledge the urgent need for action.

The orange lens magnifies the facts about Nigeria, such as its vast arable land, rich natural resources, rich culture, and young, vibrant and innovative population. This lens highlights Nigeria’s strengths and potentials, and inspires users to see themselves as part of a larger vision of a prosperous, thriving nation.

The yellow lens is perhaps the most critical lens, as it helps users unearth their talents, gifts, and abilities. Using several parameters, the lens defines users’ potential and encourages them to explore new ways of contributing to nation-building.

The blue lens helps users generate amazing ideas using their sense of uniqueness uncovered by the yellow lens as a foundation. This lens encourages users to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to the challenges facing Nigeria.

The purple lens takes the ideas generated from the blue lens and builds them into a strategic master plan. This lens helps users align their ideas with the broader vision of national development, and identify specific steps to turn their ideas into reality.

Finally, the white lens is the risk lens, which helps users anticipate potential roadblocks and obstacles, and develop contingency plans to mitigate them. This lens ensures that users are prepared for the inevitable challenges that come with any ambitious endeavour, and are equipped to navigate them successfully’’

Dr Akpata further opined “As humans, we are all born with unique gifts, talents, and abilities. We are also born into nations that face their own unique challenges and problems. But what if we could use our individual strengths to contribute to building our nations? What if we could create a committed workforce and populace that is excited and motivated to build a better future for their country? This is where the coloured lens framework comes in – a powerful tool for nation-building that has been developed to help individuals see themselves as nation builders’’

The coloured lens framework is a powerful tool for nation-building that can help individuals to see themselves primarily as nation builders. By focusing on their strengths and developing a comprehensive strategy, individuals can contribute to building a better future for their nation.

The Colored Lens Framework book will be launched on live National television alongside its complimentary learning management system (LMS). Dedicated courses built around the book and its frameworks will be made available post launch.

Dr Noel Akpata is a member of the Global Steering Committee of Silicon Valley Based World Social Innovation Forum ( He is the Africa Partner of Global Think Tank, Horasis and also heads the consulting team at

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