Coalition Tasks Otti to Prioritise Key Developmental Projects

Alex Otti

Alex Otti

Oluchi Chibuzor

The Governor-elect of Abia State, Dr. Alex Otti, has been advised by the Coalition of Abia State Youth Leaders and Stakeholders on the need to prioritise key developmental intervention projects in order to deliver the expectations of Abia indigenes.

They highlighted the need for him to use his experience as an astute economist to bring change on the economic fortune of the state, block leakages of internally generated revenue (IGR) and avoid wastage.

The Coalition of Abia State Youth Leaders and Stakeholders is made up of leaders of youth organisations, market and trade groups, students of institutions of higher learning, businessmen and women of Abia State origin who are resident and conduct their business in Lagos State.

Speaking at a press conference in Lagos titled, ‘Abia State Governance’, the National Youth Leader of the coalition, Obinna Ehumadu, said having seen the people of the state subjected to bad governance over 24 years, Otti’s emergence gave them hope.

According to him, the economic development of the state was a matter of urgency as various developmental interventions from previous governments were nothing compared to other states.

He said, “Abia State is overdue to rejig its economic development plan and growth strategy. We are in a state of motion without movement hence the constant decay to road infrastructure and inefficient services.

“Abia is blessed with highly skilled professionals, artisans, entrepreneurs and work population but coordination and willingness to do the right things are our albatross.

“Human resource management and enabling the environment are required to harness our God-given resources.

“Abia State government should as a matter of urgency position Aba as a commercial growth hub to attract national and diaspora investment and tap into the new consciousness of ‘Aku Ruo Ulo’ being promoted by Ndigbo.

“Some of our coalition members have in the past championed and launched initiatives and programs in the state.”

On his part, the spokesperson of the coalition, Okechukwu Nzekwe, said Otti’s mandate comes with high expectations and they expect him to hit the ground running immediately when he is sworn in as Governor of the state.

He acknowledged that Otti’s desire to govern the state did not start yesterday, adding that it had been a chequered journey and struggle to the Government House Umuahia.

He noted that based on his political struggle over the years, the governor-elect had picked enormous political experience along the way to enable him meet the aspirations of the great number of Abians, “Dr. Alex Otti must never fail on this premise’ he added.

Commenting on their expectation from the incoming administration, Nzekwe, emphasised that Abians expect him to bring his vast experience to bear on the economic fortune of the state.

According to him, the internally generated revenue (IGR) must witness a turn around, plug leakage, wastage and grow the state from its presence state.

Itemising their agenda for the incoming administration, he opined that he must embrace youth inclusiveness, pay up salary and pension and shun too much politics.

 According to him, “Youth Inclusiveness in the incoming government is a matter of priority. This is to sustain the support and cooperation of the critical mass of the population.

“The Coalition of Abia Youth Leaders’ willingness and readiness to work with the new government. We pledge to remain active and participate in all sectors of the government.

“Civil servants and other workers in the employ of the state government and it’s agencies are continually being owed earned salaries and arrears running into months. Pensioners are a major victim of payment failures by the government.”

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