It’s time to rebuild Nigeria – Singer, Boyo

Nigeria’s last election has continued to be greeted with mixed reactions. Winners celebrated and losers petitioned against the results of the elections adjudged by many as being shrouded with violence, intimidation, and vote buying. Nigerian musician and owner of Cogent Education Consultants, Eyimofe Gbubemi Boyo, has urged Nigerians to start looking forward towards nation-building.

“For the past few weeks, Nigeria has been immersed in discussions about the outcome of the recent election”, the artist said while engaging press at a recent event. “While it is understandable to feel disappointed in the loss of a favoured candidate, it is time to look at the bigger picture. With the handover just a few weeks away, it is important to give the incoming administration a chance to govern”

“Tinubu has emerged as the winner of the election, and it is time to move forward and support his leadership. If he governs well, it will be good for everyone. However, if he performs poorly, we can vote him out in the next election in 2027”.

Speaking further, “Will you fold your hands for another four years and refuse to contribute your quota to nation-building, or will you find ways to align with the incoming administration in the areas of infrastructural development and socio-economic growth that you have been complaining about in your respective regions? “

“Bickering and complaining about who won the election or whose mandate was stolen is a waste of time, especially now that the electioneering season is over. As a nation, we should foster unity and reconciliation and form socio-economic blocs that can set agendas and ideologies for the new government to use in the growth and development of the country”.

“Is becoming the President of Nigeria a quest to fulfill your personal aggrandizement or for the collective good of the nation? Personally, I believe that a true democrat will always uphold the rule of law and join hands with the majority to chart a path towards economic growth and unity. Working to circumvent the system and tear down the house by any means will harm the nation more than it will do good. As a people, we need to keep an open mind”.

“Nurturing preconceived negative notions, castigating, and outrightly condemning a fellow or the new administration without giving them a chance will only make the nation stagnate. The gains and achievements of that administration will be swept under the carpet, and progress will not be visible even when it is being made. They are humans and need our collective encouragement and support. Instead of waiting for doomsday prophecies to manifest, we should remember that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Let’s be humane and work towards a better Nigeria.”

“As youths, it is important for us to have a voice and to use it to make demands for the things we want in the incoming administration. However, it is equally important to be realistic and strategic in our approach. Fighting a lost battle is not productive and can lead to wasted energy and resources”.

“Instead, let us focus on facing the future and getting the most out of it. We can do this by identifying our goals and creating a plan to achieve them. By working together and raising our voices in unison, this is what will make a difference in the long run. For a long time now, Nigeria has suffered from partial inaction due to disagreements between the election winners and other competitors.Do you expect this to continue and also expect growth?”

“All I am saying is, let us understand that someone won the election, let us accept the results, let us organize ourselves and create a medium whereby our voice can be heard, and let us see if this does not change the democratic atmosphere in Nigeria.
It is important to remember that democracy thrives on the will of the people”.

“By giving the incoming administration a chance, we are giving democracy a chance to work. It is time to put aside our differences and work towards building a better Nigeria”, she concluded.

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