Adeleke as Man of the People

There are all shades of governors in Nigeria. Some are only known and loved outside their states but are widely despised by their people. Others are not known or loved anywhere, spending all their time in Abuja. Governor Ademola Adeleke does not belong to any of these classes. Holding as precious the trust of his people, he has gained their love and loyalty.

Governor Adeleke is currently soaking in the praises of Osun residents. In recent days, Adeleke has gone out of his way to research the things that distress them. Knowing that he is only doing these things because he wants to find and execute permanent solutions to their troubles, Osun residents are not hesitating to throw their lot in with Governor Adeleke, trusting that he will not betray them for anything.

Among the governors recently installed, Governor Adeleke is likely the one that has rubbed shoulders with his people the most. Although this may be related to the fact that he is a down-to-earth person who will take no one for granted, one must commend Adeleke for retaining his original heart so far. Others in the same position would have grown crooked necks by now. But not Adeleke. He is a man of the people.

Among the things that have endeared Adeleke to Osun residents is his practical plans for them. For example, on May 1, he enjoined the state workers to let go of the past and work with him to secure themselves happier lives. He noted that the darkness of the past is past and his time as the light of the state has started. Therefore, they should be more hopeful knowing that he intends to stand by his promises to them, come what may.

Indeed, Adeleke is a charmer and continues to worm his way into his people’s hearts. That he cares so much about what they think of him is a good thing. It also shows why they love him so much.

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