Diri Stages a Befitting Burial for Father 

Is life a rollercoaster ride that leads nowhere? Seeing the impactful lives of people like the father of Governor Douye Diri of Bayelsa State, the late Pa Abraham Diri, one can confidently answer no. Knowing the impact that this man has made in his life and the lives of many others, Governor Diri has staged a befitting burial for his father. In the events that follow this burial, Diri continues to demonstrate that he was raised by a caring and compassionate person, one with vision and the ability to teach greatness.

Governor Diri has not been able to get over the loss of his hero and father, Pa Abraham. Death leaves such deep wounds many times, and the wounds left behind by the passing of the patriarch of the Diri family are too deep for words to describe. Nevertheless, Diri is consoling himself and has people like Ken Etete, the CEO of Century Energy Group, similarly comforting him.

Pa Abraham’s death on February 12 came all of a sudden and rattled the entire Diri household. A retired headmaster and a devout Christian, Pa Abraham was the very picture of humility. Despite being the father of the number one person in Bayelsa, he did not frustrate others with his authority but continued to support his son with prayers and the occasional counsel. Thus, it is no surprise that his burial was attended by people from all walks of life.

Apart from Etete, Governor Diri has also had to throw open his doors to the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) led by the President, Emeka Rollas, as well as popular comedians I Go Dye and Okon Lagos. All of these people travelled to Diri’s hometown, Sampou, Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area, Bayelsa.

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